World of Warcraft

I’ve started up an Undead Priest on Staghelm called Mehlina. Feel free to friend me up.

Staghelm is a “new players” server, so low population, not a lot of high-level players running around. I’ll most likely be playing casually, Wednesday evenings and Sundays.

My plan is to try and do a midnight release at EB Games. Funny Story tho…

When BC came out, I was living in PA and booked a day off work. Showed up at Best Buy at 11:30 assuming there would be a midnight release, and hung out with a bunch of other disappointed people.

For WotLK, I tried to find a busy Gamestop/EB Games, and one guy assured me that they would be having one. Learned my lesson, called the day before… and nope. Enough pre-orders, but mall security couldn’t swing it.

So this time, found a busy EB Games with direct outside access. C’mon baby, 3rd time’s the charm!!!

Ack! :eek:

No more portals in Dal and Shat! One of the first things I would do with my alts is get them into Dal and set it as the hearthstone. Nice easy travel nexus.


The guild “Alpaca Syndicate” is up and running on Staghelm(Horde)! Send me a message (“Mehlina”) and I’ll throw you an invite!

Okay, I am going to set up a trial account today, and see if I can do this. I’ve never done this before, so I may completely suck at it.

But I want you guys to be honest with me- if I am a crappy player (like Clara’s husband, lol!) please let me know and I will spare everyone the agony. :o

Okay, I’ve played Waaaay to much WoW over the last few days since Cataclysm dropped. Wife out of town + snow day + bind-on-account heirlooms = not so much sleep. There’s no national holiday as an excuse up in the great white north…

Loving the new zones and story lines. Highlights from the last couple days. Well, the “punching Deathwing in the face” chain was pretty humorous, but I really loved the cinematic at the end of the new quest line in Searing Gorge, and how all the quests tied together for a great ending.

Anyone else with Cataclysm tales of victory (or woe) out there??

I’ve just been basically exploring (haven’t had much play time what with Thanksgiving prep), but it’s been fun. I like jumping into different maelstrom-looking things (ahem, The Sundering…) to see what happens.

Evidently, on that one, you die. But it’s so tempting! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m hoping to get to the punching Deathwing in the face quest soon on my Ally main and alts, but I also made a Tauren Paladin for the Alpaca Syndicate on Staghelm, which is fun (though I’m only level 5 so far)

Does anyone want to Recruit-a-Friend me? throw me an email at xgothicserpentx (at)

you got it buddy. just as soon as that website is back online :smiley:

Oh blizzard how you fight me

edit: Apparently it’s been down all day, makes sense

Y’all should give a listen to For the Horde and Group with You by The Four Eyes (free MP3s, scroll down a bit)

It’s literally still down. What. The. Frak.

I know dude, I’ll keep refreshing every couple hours until its back up! Don’t give up! :smiley:

I really wanted to play this weekend too =/ frakkin blizz

Back up as of 5:07 EST
Back down already xfd

edit 2: So plans for going out tonight fell through and I’m just about ready to say frak it and not raf =/

Huzzah! It’s back up!

Perhaps the downtime was a result from their sale. $20 for WoW, BC and WotLK probably pulled in a lot of new players.

My wife and I tried to go to the movies this weekend, but the show was sold out when we got there. On the drive home, she mentioned wanting play a game. I listed the some board games and Xbox games and she declined them all. She finally admitted she wanted to play WoW again (after stopping just after Burning Crusade). So, I used the “Scroll of Resurrection” promotion to restart her account and I was able to get digital copies of Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm for $49 from

This was my view for the rest of the night:

Good Job, Monty.

Yeeeeeeeeeeah I probably have 20 hours /played since saturday night around 11?

I might have a problem

You did catapult past my Protection Cow (I have yet to come up with something as fun as HolyCow or Retbull…), but I’m used to friends doing that. I warned everyone I’m a slow leveler :wink:

That said, for everyone - if you’re thinking about it, definitely jump in and make a Hordie on Staghelm, come hang out with the cool kids :slight_smile: