What's your Galactica callsign?

Welcome Skipper1974!! I think that is first time I have been the one to write that (and I will likely post this and find someone has already done it) :slight_smile: Please send a private message to Solai, the creator of the fabulous dogtags. You should then host it someplace like Photobucket and place it your signature.

Also, please stop by the (Un)Official Introduction Thread. And I will try and come over and say welcome again.

You can find the thread here: http://forum.galacticwatercooler.com/showthread.php?t=39&highlight=introduction

Its now official, I shall henceforth be known as Player.

I’ve had a few

Pandora (brings out the worst in people >.>)
Galatea (created by man…whatever I do whatever I am you make me that way)
Morbidfish (don’t ask >.>)

I’m really into BSG as a serious fan FYI

I’m considering some of these (not in a hurry really) - if someone has a suggestion PM me


Mine would have to be “Moby” because I’m a big fat white whale and also kind of a Dick.

Anybody taken CHEWIE yet?

i’ve finally got it! at work, after coming in about half an hour late due to an epic alarm clock fail, i was dubbed “Clockwork”. and i like it.

personally, I’m really into BSG as a salad dressing.

Also, can we get DavidWhatever an “Operator” dogtag already?

Umm…you have to PM Solai. He make the tags. :smiley:

what happened to the Dog Tag Gallery thread?

It is over in Off Topic. It should go in the GWC Community section, but we haven’t figure out a new forum to include GWC stuff (dog tags, faces, new here, etc)

This is the request thread. The results show up in the Gallery thread.

Davidwhicheverone: PM Solai with your request

The gallery thread was stickied to the top of the BG forum…I don’t see it anymore…do you?

P.S. Nevermind! DOH! It’s in the Off-Topic Forum.

Might I suggest “Those Crazy GWCers”

Yeah, I found it. See dog tag below. :smiley:

After the great meetup week end I so want one of these dog tag but in my mind you can’t choose it. So to everybody who now know me, what do you thing my callsign should be?

Thank you in advance to everybody!


You’re welcome.

Well I was thinking it should be in French and Dark Knight translated from English is Chevalier Foncé which wouldn’t fit on the tag.

How about just Chevalier?

or La Batte

I think “Le Winger” would be more appropriate.

How does one get a callsign and those cool tags?!

All you have to do is send a private message to Solai with your requested call sign. Your callsign can’t be your forum name, or already in use.

Solai will send back the dog tag for use in your signature… thats it.