What do you think a good callsign for you would be Reg? “Blinky” ? (I keed, I keed)
“John Doe” ?
Since it’s the second time in my life it comes back by 2 different group of people you win.
Thank you to everybody all suggestion where very good and inspire.
The idea, someone explained early on the thread, is to have it be a simply, distinct name that you can recognize via radio static and such.
Something like “OneTrickPony” is pretty distinct though it might be too long and unwieldy. And nobody likes an unwieldy callsign, do they?
Look at the phonetic alphabet used by the military:
If “doe” is really what you’re after use the callsign “DeltaOscarEcho” or somesuch. DXF would be Delta X-Ray Foxtrot, which has a nice ring to it.
Racing horse names seem pretty distinct (and wierd), maybe there are some resources if you look at past winners of the Kentucky Derby?
Useless Trivia: Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo is the title of a song by The Bloodhound Gang.
No BHG trivia is useless.
My callsign is “Shadow.” I need to move my dogtag file to another file service, since GeoCities shut down. I use “Delta Chi Frappa” sometimes. Which is wrong, I know…
Weirding Module!
And if this has already been said, I’m Herking!
I claim Herking!
In the Army, my nick started out as Snoopy. I can’t remember why.
It then morphed into Squeewee.
Then Murdoch, as in “Howlin’ Mad!”
Those are my suggestions for myself.
Not Herkin’!
BUt, until I establish a 'net persona here, there ya go.
I laughed and barrel-rolled.
But ‘Mullet’ isn’t…
This place ain’t big enough for the full Monty!!
Life is a funny thing. It’s now been almost 3 years since my original search for a callsign and things happen naturally this time.
I think I did earn WING in the last couple of years.
Also I blame SEAN for it.
PS: I blame Sean for everything!
Ill go with Service desk all star
I think “Not in the frakkin face” would be too long, so I will stick with “Electrical deck monkey”
-Smileys in this post were probably supposed to be punctuation.
‘Cutter’ was the original nickname I had for my Galactica-verse character a couple of years ago (and for good reason), but now I am leaning toward ‘Wetwork’. If you are into military SF you will understand the meaning…
(The character is a ground-pounder and not a pilot)
Guys, Gals, Galaxyranger,
Bit of a delay getting the shop set back up, but it will be open. Keep your discussions going, PM with me with your selection. Remember, only rule is that it can’t be your handle and it should fit on a tag.
“Hip Shot” for me if possible!
Hey HipShot, welcome to GWC and the forum.
Things have been a little quiet around here for the past year, but there are a few of us around.
So welcome.