To borrow from another universe, we’re all,
i have no problem being in a rotation doing those things. as long as i get to fly sometimes:)
Please Solai? May I have a callsign? pretty please? :o
I am new to the boards, but looong time podcaster. Can i get callsign XRAY (i am an xray tech in real life)
Welcome Rhiow. That is one of the coolest callsigns I’ve heard of!
Alright guys, I have been posting here for over a year now, and I think its finally time for me to get a call sign and 6 sided dog tag. Hopefully I have posted enough that you all have some idea of what I am like, and what a good call sign would be.
Right now I am trying to get into either an IT or programing job, or something tech related. I’m a huge sci-fi fan and a gamer. I’m something of a sports fan and athlete.
Lets make it happen people!
Hmmm…if you’re a big gamer. How about Player? Can be taken a couple of ways.
Not bad at all.
So say we all.
Well, it’s not bad for a blonde at the end of a Monday. My brain hurts!
bangs head on desk and passes out
My favorite type of blonde…
Well, what do you want your callsign to be? Is Mythos taken? What about Shanghai?
I’d like a callsign too! Is “freckles” taken?
Thanks! Is my dog tag supposed to be posted somewhere? I am such a nooob…:(:p:o
When Solai gets around to making it (he usually does two or more at a time) it’ll show up here.
Copy it, and post it to a service like in order to use it in your sig.
Hey there Rhiow, once you decide on your callsign shoot me a PM and I’ll create a dogtag. After a couple of mis-steps I don’t rely on this thread for people to make requests…this is to brainstorm only.
I don’t think so but here’s the link to the gallery:
Check there, if it’s not taken then PM Solai to make it yours!
Hmmm…your fav is the kind that can think or the kind that passes out? Nevermind, on second thought, I’m not sure I wanna know the answer to that!
I’m known as Bombshell. I’m new around here, but I really like the feel of these boards so far!
My name is Eric. I wish I knew of these boards so long ago… all my friends DVR the shows and wait 3 weeks to watch…
I have no one to talk to!!!
I have always gone by “Skippy” I was in the Navy and that was my Call Sign there. I was a Navigator turned Ships police (Master-At-Arms). and How do we get the nice Dog Tags?
I like Skippy
Capt. Eric “Skippy” Starcher
Master-At-Arms BSG-75