What's your Galactica callsign?

Military Police plus Information Technology?

“MT” :smiley:

“Law”, the MP from GI Joe perhaps? He had a dog named “Order” remember?

I like it… topical, yet with a retro allegory.

“Law” it is. Now we know… and knowing is half the battle! :smiley:

I’m a teacher/writer…and have no idea what my callsign should be. You all seem pretty brilliant at it here, so any help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Oooh! “Scriber.” Since it’s technically incorrect, it has that layer of ironicality (sic) to it.


I like it! It’s got a realistic kind of irony to it…thanks!

Can my callsign be “Spiral”? Or if that’s already taken, can i then be call “Arcadian”?

A mixture of paws and flat foot (funny thing considering I also had a walking beat for 2 years).Thanks for the recommendation guys. Flatpaw is good, but while I was writing this the name “Howler” popped into my head…geez decisions, decisions :stuck_out_tongue:

Bartleby ?

Hi Solai,

this is my first time broaching on this subject, and I’ve got a few ideas for my callsign:

Koryu Randori - my Jedi name.
Koryu literally refers to old-school martial arts techniques developed before the Meiji restoration turned everthing into a sport (e.g. before Aikido and Judo, there were Aikijujitsu and Jujitsu). Randori refers to freestyle sparring practised in Aikido & Judo, as opposed to Kumite tournaments in Karate where they beat each other up (I was formerly from Goju-Kai)

Bambi Juice - my porn star name.
Bambi is the name of my wife’s dog, and I live on Joo Seng road.

Taiko - as in Japanese Taiko drums.
Because I love how they rock in BSG!

Tripod Johnson of the Jaffa - my Stargate name

PS Do CYLON pilots wear colonial pilot suits? I haven’t got to watch Season 4 in Singapore. What pilot uniform did Sharon wear?

Working on an airbase before, I’d just gotta point out that callsigns have to be easily heard and understood over scratchy radio fuzz, like how radio chatter sounds on BSG… :wink:

So I need a call sign, but can’t decide what it should be: Bullseye and Tailgater were offered, but don’t sit…

I like reading sci-fi: Asimov, Niven, Foster, etc.

I’ve played a lot of paintball in the past, currently in to trailriding in my Jeep, and like backpacking, hiking, etc. I also tinker with computers, and have a homebuilt HTPC (home theater PC) that does all my BSG recording. I also brew my own beer. :slight_smile:

I’m a mechanical engineer, and work at a nuclear power plant.



“Dayglow” :smiley:

That or Isotope.:smiley:

I like Dayglow. :slight_smile: Who do I pm or email or message for the dog tag again?


PM Solai and he’ll take care of ya!

LOL I think half the fourm have a callsign now.

Good point.
Who’s gonna farm the algae, mine the tillium or scuttle the poo-barges if we’re all pilots?

I fancy myself a Raptor navigator/co-pilot.

I assume that much like the show, this forum is populated by the fun parts of the colonial fleet, not the mundane but necessary ones.