How serendipitous that you would be the one to comment, since “Sarge” is my real-life Army nickname and my screen-name from my last fan-forum.
It’s fate. Solai, rack that one up.
Bigmoney is awesome! Sounds like a true military callsign.
Where do I order?
Please hold, and a GWC Moderator will be with you shortly (probably Solai, Master of the Tags). [ BSG theme music starts and loops, punctuated by a reminder of new episodes airing Fridays, 10 p.m. EST and ads for the KFC Frak Pak ]
allright everybody, i need some dogs tags, but i can use me nickname cuz its my screenname… im lookn for any input??? im accepting anything from the crazy to the asinine… PLZ HELP
Looking at your avatar the first thing that came to my mind was “FrakkingCat” or “Cat Shooter” … or maybe “Dead Cat” but there’s already a Deat Meat.
i like “dead cat” then im like romo… or cat frakkin? good start… anyothersa still appreciated…
what was romo’s cat’s name./… that could be a cool one??? any1 kno the cats name???
Lance. Which would be a good one.
was lance it??or r u just tugn on my leg??? my brain hurts now
No, it was really Lance.
Not to be confused with the guy from the Marvel vs DC videos.
how bout lance v2.0 :)??? or v1.5??
or maybe head lance??
There’s a user with the handle “Head Lance” so that would be confusing.
I’d just go with “Lance” (Or “Lancelot?”)
thanks for the input…
As as a retired copper and K9 Handler. I was thinking ‘Law Dog’ or ‘Fuzz’ (if not taken) That is of couse some of you guys can think of something different… Aside from A-hole, or Pork related products or names
I’ll second “Flatpaw”.
Need some help (nothing new for this thread, eh?)…
Former Army interrogator / military police, now work in IT/IS. I have no good ideas at the moment, so I hoping you good people can come up with something.