Isn’t the forum all drift? Dagnabbit! Another question!
I may be a bit of a purist with such things, but I’m of the philosophy that callsigns bear at least a grain of one’s own persona or identity within, as opposed to anything cool, aggressive, or the like. I asked Solai to set me up with “Chowder” for a number of reasons: first, I’m an admitted “adventurer” in the kitchen, and love a mean soup; second, the idea of “chowder” to me indicates an amalgam of ingredients, kind of like my skill set; and third, it’s the name of my son’s current favorite cartoon (and admittedly, one of my faves as well).
Take Solai’s Yoda-like advice – deep within yourself seek you must!
Well, firstly, her not him, and I think Pike may be thinking of Vancouver, BC, but I am in Washington State. So, hobbies, I love to read and watch DVDs. I have a TV (couple in fact) but no cable, no satellite dish, no antenna. I watch everything either on DVD or online. One exception, Battlestar, I watch that with my boyfriend at his place. Other hobbies, hmm, does reading my million entries in my RSS reader count as a hobby these days? I also love music. And games, Wii, PS2, XBOX. I enjoy most games, but I LOVE board games. Play cards and games most Saturday nights.
Interests: Well, I work full time, go to school part time and sit on the board of a local professional association. So between those and my movie and games I don’t have a lot of time for anything else.
Favorite Book: I read a bunch of urban fantasy, some scifi and general fiction, but I would have to say Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Favorite Color: Black, which I think of as more of a shade than a color, and for real colors, purple.
And I have written 6 posts in the last couple of days, so slightly less of a lurker than I was when I first posted my request.
Somehow, I find the name Bing(ley) quite interesting. Or Fitz(william). But I doubt you’ll find them good for a callsign as I do. I think I just like the way they sound.
bing! fitz! See how that just rolls off one’s tongue?
Thanks for the ideas. I am going with Sonar now, but after everyone knows me a little better, we’ll see, maybe I will finally get a real nickname. I have somehow managed to get through life until now without one.
Sadly, there isn’t enough room on a tag for a callsign of:
Someone on the Forum
Does this work?
Yeah, I think that dogtag should be passed around to whoever gets “someoned” that week.
I’m good with that. Especially if it is more than one person.
Hmm. “Chowderhead” was always a popular invective in my house. Don’t know where it came from.
Why Thor of course. Tall and blond.
Ummm mactopia
How about Emu? In a skirmish, I’d run pretty fast, couldn’t fly so good. Plus, Im Australian?
I remember distinctly some Emu ragging in the past week on the podcast and how hard they are to tend to also (Sean).
I like Eros:
God of Lust, Love and sex
I am trying to figure out a callsign for myself that involves one of my favorite things:
- Rush, the rock band
or - Isaac Asimov, who is the author who got me into SF (and reading books in general) when I was a teenager
From Rush I can think of Starman (their logo), Lerxst, Dirk and Pratt (their nicknames), but I think I’ve seen a SnowDog around already (not sure if it’s a reference to the song…)
From Asimov I have no idea…
How 'bout 2112? I don’t think anyone has used a number yet?
My callsign is DEBT FREE because we live debt free… Life is great when you have no payments
That would probably be cooler for a toaster callsign, they’re produced in series!
Bigmoney, Bones, or ExitWarrior?
Welcome aboard.
Perhaps “Geddy” for Rush, or “Arbie” (I think that’s right) from the Asimov story about the temperamental time-traveling robot.
I have yet to be issued hex-tags, but thou mayest call me Superholt! High school nick-name that I proudly carry with me, tattoo and all.