What's your Galactica callsign?

NOOOOOO!!! Don’t resolve your differences amicably! Why will no one fight to the death for my amusement??? I had the Star Trek fight music all cued up and everything! Y’all are no fun. :frowning:

Bah. Don’t bother. :stuck_out_tongue:

Truly awesome! That’s going in as soon as the Matrix arc is over. :smiley:

NOOOOOO!!! Don’t resolve your differences amicably! Why will no one fight to the death for my amusement??? I had the Star Trek fight music all cued up and everything! Y’all are no fun.

Save it for the coming battle between group 1, 2 and 3.

… does anyone know Bear McCreary’s callsign?




Sorry RonMooreHasPrettyHair, we are the NEXT GENERATION generation. The only conflict allowed is philisophical disagreements.:smiley:

So for Starbuccaneer, may I suggest either
“Special K” or “Super K”?

I like “Super K” myself. It doesn’t have that cereal connection…

I second the use of Death Matches to resolve all future conflicts. In my head it looks something like this.


Yeah, and Special K also always remindes me of Eddie Murphy’s ‘slow’ cousin from a bit on family members named after cereal products (a la Buckwheat)…

That is one of my favorite clips of all-time.

Philosophical disagreements with poison-barbed bullwhips? :stuck_out_tongue:

So for Starbuccaneer, may I suggest either
“Special K” or “Super K”?

I like “Super K” myself. It doesn’t have that cereal connection…

Or the drug slang connection. :smiley:

Mud wrestling.



Hey Tinman! Can you hook a sister up with a Dagget Tag? I’m thinkin’ Clean.

I’d like my call sign to be: The Slayer.

I decided that it’s time I get around to getting myself a callsign but I don’t know what mine should be. Anyone got any ideas?

Hrm. Do we have a “Tex” yet?

Ironically, that’s what my grandfather in southeast Missouri calls me and my sisters when he isn’t calling us house apes.

Well, there it is then. I don’t thing ‘House Ape’ would fit anyways…

True, plus it’s a better name than house ape. Although I have to say that it’s nicer than the nickname my friends stuck me with in high school. The name itself wasn’t bad, just the reason why I got the nickname.

And you’re gonna leave us hangin’, just like that?


Oh, and here are some more suggestions (not that there’s anything wrong with Tex):
Anonymous, Jane Doe, Madame X, Recall, Flashback, Memory Bank

Is a house ape the same as the bathroom monkey?