What's your Galactica callsign?

Bad Penny?

Shoe gum…

Following peoples advice not to simply link to my dogtag in Solai’s thread, I downloaded and saved it in my flickr pool. I’ve saved it both as jpgs and bmps, but each time I link to it in my signature it ends up with an annoying black background and not the clear one Solai originally designed for it. Any thoughts as to what am I doing wrong?


You’ll only get the transparent background in GIF format, so save the original again as a GIF file and don’t ever change the format.

Try PhotoBucket.com

How could that help? The problem is the file format. BMP/JPG don’t have transparency, so the background will change to black or white, what he needs to do is keep it as a GIF file.

Yeah! Thanks GR and TF. Both suggestions helped. It was not up loading properly into Flickr. I made sure to keep it a GIF and it worked great in photobucket. Thanks!

Now it’s much purdier…

OK, I know I’ve been busy and not paying attention, but I mentioned in post 158 that my call sign should be “K Plus” and now Starbucaneer has my tag. Wa happen?

I’ll need a new call sign…

hey all… I’ve been listening for a long time, but am only now starting to read the forum, and thinking of a call sign. Back in the day when I played paintball, I wore a boonie hat and have used some variation of boonie for my nick on the forums I’m on (don’t know if its a good idea or bad to always use the same nick…).

Anyways… would it be wrong to have my call sign the same as my nick? :slight_smile:


Callsign, Bullseye!

Oh noes! Sorry I stole it. I thought that you had decided not to take it despite the suggestion, so a few days later I snagged it (since it so closely matches a childhood family nickname). I’ll PM you… we can arrange for it to be yours again if you want.

How about TailGater to go with your icon?

No prob. I replied to your PM.

I think it’s only appropriate after my slightly embarrassing listener call. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you Solai for my quick dogtag.

Speaking of which, how can I get a dog tag?

So now s-bucc needs a new callsign? ideas anyone?

PM me with your request and I’ll hook you up!

I know she is a Home Movies fan. A couple along those lines.


Sorry none of Mellisa’s characters are standing out to me except Anni Oakley and Susan B.



Okay, It’s been a while since I visited this thread, but better late than never, right?

Sir Pike, your friend Larry there now has his own dog tag.

“Toasty”, by your command.

And because I like the idea of the 2 dog tags intermingling like that, (and especially because that means someone else may design a Hylon dog tag), here’s “Spoon” for yuh, RMHPH.

…and BTW, aren’t they really Dagget Tags?