What's your Galactica callsign?

Solai is right. Imagine if you’re in a Viper dogfight, and you wingman has to say “Captain Tightpants, Raider on your 6!!” The time it takes to get the two syllable word “Captain” out could kill ya.

Wow. 76, Really!! At $29.99 each, you must be raking in the cash. (I assume you charged everyone else the same amount you charged me?) ;):eek:

“Yeah… about that… you see, the thing is…”

Nice! How did you get the photo of Solai? :smiley:

The horror…the horror…

So how does one come up with a suitable call sign? Any suggestions? ‘Racetrack’ would be perfect, considering my handle, but alas, it is already taken! lol

I love those dogtags, by the way. Nicely done, Solai!

Call sign, “Mustang!” (Wait, is that one taken?)

Try this site for ideas…


In the real military, you are given your callsign by your squadron mates… and it usually isn’t something to be particularly proud of. It will likely memorialize the most embarrassing moment of your life.

At least here, you get to pick your own. :slight_smile:

very cool, Andy L! I was looking under “H” and found the following:

I had real gravelly tones back in the force.

and I love this one:

Total Utter Lack of Situational Awareness

i am totally embracing firefly. i’ve no idea why i didn’t watch it before, but i suppose it’s pretty awesome to watch it now, all unspoiled. when the whole ‘kaylee’s dead’ scene came up and i was like, wha? oh no!.., and then you see simon rushing to the medical room, then cut to the gang laughing their asses off, i was in love! i’m through episode 9, and am feeling the crunch. 4 more episodes (well, and a movie!)… boy… i’m going to be so sad all over again pretty soon. but can i just declare my love for jayne? LOVE him. and mal, of course. well, and zoe. and kaylee. and wash! ok. i kind of love 'em all. well, maybe except for river there. :slight_smile: heh. joss whedon and tim minear are just too awesome for words.

yes! Tightpants it is! :smiley: you’re totally awesome for making all these dog tags.

Ohh… if you want horror…

:eek: I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

“You can just go ahead and move a little bit to the left. Yeah, that’s it. Great.”

wait, what? i thought solai looks like mal. :smiley:

thanks solai. i LURVE my dogtag. squees

LOL, Thanks AndyL. I hate to think of what my nicknames would be based on the embarrassing moments of my life. Luckily “Gigantic 80s Hair” is far too long to be a callsign!!

I like it, Pike. If it’s not taken, that would work!


Suggestions, “Locks”, “Glam”, “Bouffant”, “Hairspray”, “Perm”

LOL! No offense, but I think I’m gonna stick with Pike’s earlier suggestion. Makes me feel tougher! grin

Edit: Bugger! Looks like somebody else came up with Mustang. Trying to find something ‘horsey’ and ‘badass’.

I work in a cubicle. I have to feel badass at some point in my life. lol

No offense taken. It was done in humor.

No worries, that’s kinda what I figured! I totally got a grin out of it.

Edit: Okay, I came up with one. Thanks for the suggestions. :slight_smile:

How about Mall Hair? :wink:

[/li][li]Dark Horse