What's your Galactica callsign?

I had the satellite dish bangs and the whole nine yards. I am soooo glad those days are over. Unless that stuff comes back with the 80s fashions!

runs screaming from the room at the mere idea

Those are awesome nicknames - and frak-it-all, I had just emailed Solai with another idea altogether. Not horsey, but winged - thought I’d go with Isis, in the grand tradition of goddesses on the show. Used to watch a TV show by that same name as a kid but the details of the show escape me.

I loved that show!


or mr. ed? :smiley:
ok, i don’t know my horses. seabiscuit? black beauty? none of them sound very powerful and badassy.

Wow, what a flashback! Thanks for finding that, Lady D - it didn’t even occur to me to see if there was any video out there of the show anymore! The minute I saw the amulet, I remembered it, and remembered thinking it was soooo cool. Still is, actually!

I even had a ViewMaster of the show, I seem to recall.

Glad to oblige.

I have recently joined the GWC forums and would like to select a few callsigns for myself (if that’s how that works) and hopefully none of them are taken.

  1. Superboy
  2. Emissary
  3. Toughdog

Let me know what you guys think.

How about Hawk?

I like this one.

Hawk just sounds kool. I think there was a guy in Wing Commander named Hawk. I don’t remember. Been a while since I played me some Wing Commander.

In case you don’t get the reference. Hawk is a character in Spencer for Hire played by Avery Brooks.

Now what’s that I see in the pull-down menu about removing cookies from sites? Nobody is gonna remove any cookies from this site! Not if I have any say in it!

Oh . . . I see. I didn’t. But that’s even more awesome.

The name “Hawk” has so many connotations, it’s amazing. I WILL TAKE IT!

I iz in yur site, steelin all yur cookiez

Well, you know what the last one has to do with the cookies…

Better late than never.

I believe that nicknames, or in this case, call signs must develop organically. So I’m asking for ideas. Thanks guys!


[Ducks and runs away.]

Dry heat?

Dry heat sounds like menopause, which is is in a galaxy FAR, FAR AWAY from me. If I’m Easy, it needs to sound a bit more clever.

How about Daybreak or Morningsong to tie in with the Dawn.

Phoenix is also a great call sign since you live near there.

Oooh! I like Phoenix.

now to find 1 for Uchicha. Sense his name is so hard to pronounce me and some people on EmilyFromOhio’s podcasts thought his callsighn should be Divinchi. like the Divinchi code.