Callsign, “TicTac!”
Ha! That’s a good one Pike.
Shouldn’t that be Nerd Herder?
Princess Leia:You scuffy looking…Nerf herder.
Han Solo:Hey! Who’s scruffy looking?
I think I’m going to go with my old avatar. Hopefully I can figure out how to add the Tag to Uncle Tigh.
Thanks again Solai for making these.
Yeah I know. Still, a herder for all the nerds would also come in handy from time to time.
Wouldn’t this forum qualify as such?
You’re right, a NERD herder would come in handy.
I thought you were thinking I made a typo, f key is next to d.
\waves hand
This isn’t the post you are looking for… Move along
Actually, I think this is more of an “asylum,” in the institutional/ Hurley-from-Lost sense, of course.
There were some good suggestions in this thread. However, I think I have decided to sorta combine them and go with “Specter”. Also, some people might say that due to my lack of any sort of tan I resemble a specter.
So, how does “Specter” sound?
love it, but have always preferred the britspelling: spectre
I thought about that, but for some reason I have picked up the habit of spelling too many words in the UK way (I guess) and I was trying to avoid that, but I may go with that too.
ETA: Ok, I was also thinking of the AC-130 Gunship as inspiration. I looked it up and it seems they spell it as “spectre”, so I guess I’ll go with that.
yeah, I think it just looks cooler. specter reminds me of something that was coughed up
From someone who is currently taking Mucinex, EEEEEEWWWWWWW!
Someone agrees with you…
A fellow nigh-albino!
So, how does “Specter” sound?
That’s nice for a change.
ok. i’ve just started watching firefly (and LOVING IT!)
how about “captain tight pants”?
So, how does this work? I would think that you shouldn’t be able to choose your own callsign. It’s like a nickname.
Congrats on embracing the Firefly love! You can officially consider yourself a Browncoat if about halfway through you realize with some sadness and anxiety that the number of episodes is finite.
My personal opinion would be to drop the “Captain” and have your callsign be “Tightpants”
Absolutely true, which is why we opened the discussion thread. You are responsible for selecting your final callsign but can use this thread to discuss options and brainstorm if nothing comes to mind. Others may suggest names for you, but you ultimately make the decision.
It seemed the most civilized way of proceeding, and has worked fairly well to date after having done seventy-six dogtags. <blink> <swoon>
PM me with your decision and I’ll send you your dogtags!