Ol’OneEye sounds good and I like Cyclops because it goes with my avatar. I’ll put it to a vote between the two. So post which one you like and I’ll take that one.
Ol’OneEye sounds good and I like Cyclops because it goes with my avatar. I’ll put it to a vote between the two. So post which one you like and I’ll take that one.
definitely cyclops
I chosen “Minion”…
cyclops definently definently cyclops definently
Cyclops for sure!!!
Cyclops it is.
One of my fav. X-Men characters too.
I chose Rook for a few reasons…
First…A Rook on a chessboard is a powerful piece… It goes up, down, and side to side…limited but powerful directions due to its unlimited space movement…I’m a powerful straight forward kind’a guy…I know few boundries when it comes to what I want… So I’m very much like a Rook…
Second… The bird…Rook. Bigger than a Raven, but almost exactly the same. These birds can swallow almost anything and still live… They are also attracted to bright shiny objects… So, merge this with the BSG mythos and you get: A bird who is attracted to toasters, and can chew them up and spit them out while taking almost no damage itself.
Third… Staying with the bird thing, but expanding on one part… Attracted to toasters… I think the 8’s are smoke’n hot…
There ya go…
I think Missmuffet’s callsign should be: Shaggy… Or… Meatless… Though those are both inside joke reasons…hehehehe…
Well unfortunately I already have a callsign - but thanks for playing
I was reading that post and thinking, not realizing you already have one, your CS should be Tuffet. And sure enough it is.
I’ve already Chosen mine, but my smarta$$ brother suggested “BULLETCATCHER”.
Oh, and Racetrack should have hers changed to “ROADMAP”
Nice call
Spider. I have these long skinny arms, ya see.
It’s also slang for ‘Rookie,’ which seemed like an odd choice.
Yeah…it’s like one of the opposite names…You know…call’n a bald guy…hairy…or a red haired guy…blondey… Or a fat guy…slim…
I’m the…Been through a zillion fights…took a lick’en (IYKWIM) and still tick’en…guy…called: Rook (short for rookie)… Yeah…I can see that…
Thanks Sarge!
Maybe he plays Chess. Or he’s a cheater. Or an ornithologist.
Bah, You can’t have two images in your sig. :mad:
I can’t lose my UncleTigh sig. It amuses me every time I see it. What do you guys think of the tag as my avatar? Any good, or should I just go back to tighcylops?
I can at least use the Tag on other boards.
You can always combine them into one image. A couple people have done that.
I’m not very savvy with Photo editing. I’ll have to look into it. Thanks for the suggestion.
If it isn’t taken, I’d like Daphne. Its a nickname people already have for me because I resemble the chick from Scooby Doo.
I dunno if anyone else has suggested anything yet, but I saw Fire Breathing Chicken’s avatar and thought “Hot Wing” would be good for them!
Ooh! That has potential.