I wanna be the rash, or just RASH
I guess that can be arranged. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Great callsign idea…has the whole “Aliens” thing attached too !! Welcome newt88.
LoL exactly!!!
Hi all,
I tried copying/pasting my dog tag into my signature, a few different ways, and it is not working.
Any thoughts…I am on a MAC; however I do not think that should make a difference.
Thanks for your help!
I’m also a Mac person and had problems. I wound up saving the image to a new web address, and linking to that, and it worked.
Guys, as a general reminder I added this to the dog tag gallery first post:
[LEFT]Please note: Please copy your dog tag to your own image repository. I am hosting all of them currently in my Photobucket account, which is fine. However, do not assume they will always be available. Please take a moment to copy it over so that you will not rely on my account and one day discover the dog tag has gone missing. (be sure to update your link in your signature as well!)
If you are unfamiliar with the concept of online free photo repositories (photobucket e.g.) please PM me and I’ll let you know what you need to do.[/LEFT]
I’d like “Fast Food” please.
Whee ha! I finally made up my mind.
I am:
…if it’s available. I have a love for that moniker that you would not believe.
OK I’ll bite.
How about… A.Pimp Named Slickback j/k
I’m open to suggestions. How does Scruffy Nerf Herder or just plain Nerf Herder sound?
Following the thread of your handle and your avatar…perhaps Tigh-Chi?
i wonder if Boomee makes any sense…?
I like that one.
Some more Tigh themed names off the top of my head.
EmmyEye- Funny, but doesn’t roll off the tongue.
Eyeball- Interesting because that is the pilot term for a Tie Fighter in Star Wars.
Wish I thought of it.
OK, how about these?
Also, I have to say that I think CYCLOPS is a great suggestion previously made.
Thanks dxf and Solai for your help.
I’ll try your suggestions now.
So, are callsigns in Spanish legal since I don’t think they have Spanish in BSG?
I think Tangent is me, suits me to a tee. Can’t think of anything else. Has it been taken?