What's your Galactica callsign?

Hook goes with the current pirate theme as well

Yeah, I think Hook is cool, too. Aaargh…

Among my people, it is called snow. :slight_smile:

:nods: too much of it at once this year… :frowning:

Really? So Cal has mountains covered with the stuff, doesn’t it? :smiley:

Not enough if you ask me. Not that you did, of course. :slight_smile:

not a skier. and two of my least favorite things in life are:

wearing wet clothes
being cold

hence, I’m more of a beach than mountain type

Eh, I had to dig my car out too many times. And I lost a shoe in a 3 ft deep drift in my front yard. We got dumped on bad a few times this year. Lake effect is not my friend…

I get it. I’ve lived in northern ohio all my life and never been on a pair of skis. And I don’t mind getting wet, but I either hafta dry quickly (like in the summer sun) or be able to change right away. Having to stay in wet clothes drives me crazy. But I’d rather be cold than hot.

“woot”, or possibly even, ‘Squeee’ (not sure if squeee would be considered a sign of wussishness in a chap?).

I got my dogtag.

I am TRAINWRECK, hear me roar

(or more like do low level griping about the state of the rail network in this country - i ask you, its not too much to ask for trains to not fall off the track, or the wires to stay over head height, not below it, or for the carriage not to go sideways through Potters Bar station)

<timmers walks off into the distance muttering and twitching>

:claps: Good for you! Although “Trainwreck” might not evoke happy thoughts…

I’m thinking of going with “Nightflyer”, as suggested by a co-worker.

Yeah that sounds like the callsign of someone way cooler than me :smiley:

Perfect! As long as nobody’s grabbed that one yet?

(all the ones I thought of were too long)

I like hook!!

Thanks for your help!! Hook it is.

I’m sending Solai a message momentarily.

I nominate Spinny Ship as “Halberd” or “Glaive” on account of the spiky protrusion.

Hello all…new to the board, and found this thread. I would love to have a call sign, but my brain is fried from work this week and all I can think of is CultJam because I am a child of the 80’s and you know…Lisa is my first name (LisaLisa and the CultJam)

But I would hate to be dubbed with that forever…any thoughts out there?


My real name is only two characters removed from Roy Rogers, Can I get Trigger as a callsign?

Isn’t an internet name like a sort of callsign?

Cause then mine could be Badword, and harsh language- my greatest weapon!

Hey everybody!
I’m new to this board and believe that getting a callsign would be a great way to introduce myself.
Here some ideas I have:
First choices
Newt ( childhood nickname)
hermit ( fits my personality)
Other choices
mind game ( love of politics)

I really look forward to interacting w/ all of you guys and discussing BSG and other sci fi shows. :slight_smile:

Welcome! All great choices, although personally I prefer Newt.

“They mostly come at night. Mostly.” :slight_smile:

Callsign, “Better”