What's your Galactica callsign?

I think Dead Meat has a nice, Galactica ring to it. Gramps does too, though. And there’s no need to be fatalist about it. After all, Adama is the “Old Man.”

(Sings in Elmer Fudd voice to the tune of the Pilgrim’s Chorus from Tannhauser:)

"Wetuhnnnnn…my wove
say you’ll be allllllwaaaaayyyysss besiiiiides me

WeTUUUUUHnnnnn, my wove…

Oh Bwunhilde, you’we so wooooovewy…
Yes I know it, I can’t help it…"

etc., etc.

It’s late. Forgive me.

It really is midnight!

Well, the GF just left. We watched “Say Anything” - a movie I can’t believe is rated as 100% on rottentomatoes.com - it just did NOT get it. I like teen angst movies, my favorite ones being 10 Thing I Hate About You and Breakfast Club, Say Anything didn’t do anything for me.

Don’t worry, GR, you’re not alone on that. I actually didn’t get the appeal of that movie either. And I didn’t care much for the Breakfast Club either. Now, “Better off Dead” and “Sixteen Candles,” on the other hand…

Yeah I don’t know what it is about this movie that makes me feel so empty about it. The scene with the guys behind that store was awesome, though. I mean “If y’all know so much about women how you’re sitting here alone without any women in sight?” that’s a classic.

But apart from that. Maybe it’s because in some other teen movies I could find actual meaning pertaining to my own teen years, whereas here, I just could not identify with the protagonists. Neither one of them.

Colonial Heavy 798


(timmers gets a running start ready to jump on the bandwagon…)

Is Rash already taken?

Otherwise I could go with callsigns I have used in the past, ranging from the occasional zero, the more regular, 2 1 bravo, 3 2 charlie, but never myself ‘sunray’. Damn the airforce for having a far cooler concept when they talk about use of callsigns.

I like sunray though. Its shiny.

I’ve been trying to figure out what mine’d be. As TiggsPanther is too long, Tiggs too short, Tigger (where Tiggs came from in the first place) too cute, and Panther already taken, I don’t think my usual handle works.

I could always summarize how I usually am on forums and chat-sites, and go by Lurker. But that seems lame, if accurate.

Then I realised I do already sort of have a callsign at work.
Ratboy - owing to me being scrawny, and ending up as the guy crawling between the desks when the network and power cables need sorting out.

Sounds like your callsign should be “DeskRabbit”

Ooh. I do like that. I think it’s too long to be a callsign, which is why I favour Ratboy, but I’m defintiely remembering that term.

I doubt it. Her husband wouldn’t trust me not to sneak vegetables into his food. :slight_smile:

I’m kidding (not about the vegetables, of course). They’d gladly let me get out of the heat for a while, even if her husband was home. It’s not like he’s an ogre – although he is quite tall, hmmm… :rolleyes:

Dang I gotta learn to use the Multi-quote thingie.


While I’m at it, if you want to split quotes within the same post:

Put [noparse]

[/noparse] at the beginning of what you want to quote and then [noparse]
[/noparse] at the end. Make sure you have them in pairs (with whatever you’re quoting between them) or the quotes and your replies will go all screwy. Oh, and it’s important to note that the “slash” tag ([noparse][/QUOTE][/noparse]) is always the “end-quote”. For more info, click here.

Look at you being all helpful! When did your electricity come back on??

Perhaps the single greatest lines in the history of animated cartoons.

Only some of Foghorn Leghorn’s (and a few of Spongebob’s, Patrick’s and Plankton’s come to think of it) even come close.

2 frakkin’ AM. PPL is run by Cylons, I’m convinced of it.

Actually, scratch that. Cylons would at least be efficient.

Ewoks. PPL is definitely run by Ewoks. :mad:

The great rhetorical stylings of Homer Simpson come to mind:

“To alcohol! The cause of – and solution to – all life’s problems.”
“What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind!”
and, of course, “mmm, donuts.”

So wise, so wise. :slight_smile:

I want “STREETGANG” to be my callsign.

Yes, of course. And the wise exchange with Bart in the movie.

Bart: “Dad, this has been the worst day in my life.”

Homer: “You mean the worst day in your life - so far.”

Yep - Its from ‘The IT crowd’

First or second series? I saw most of the first, and little of the second. not enough of the actual geek-humour to hold my attention. :frowning:

You need to see all of it. I watch an episode every day, even though I know them all by heart now.

I like IT crowd, I enjoy watching it, whereas (?)g/f-b (what’s the counterpart to hub?) spends most of the watching of IT crowd episodes with the look of a witness to a horrific plane crash. I think its because of a sick realisation that whilst she’s seeing it as a strange and bizarre thing of unimaginable strangeness, whereas for me… its really not too far a stretch from my daily life.

Wonder if clergy feel that way about Father Ted?

Haven’t seen second series yet…

I think ‘Dodger’ would be a good name for a viper pilot (Boomer was always a bad choice), but I’m open to suggestions.