What's your Galactica callsign?

Just saw a license plate that gave me an idea. For the environmentally conscience one could go with Lorax. Maybe not appropriate for a fighter jock though…

You? Remain neutral? Ha! :smiley:

The mention of the Red Baron (itself a great callsign) led me to think of the Baroness and then the broader G.I. Joe & Cobra codenames in general. There’s plenty of gold to plunder there. Here’s a sample, for anyone who’s interested:

[/li][li]Cover Girl
[/li][li]Storm Shadow


I said TRY.

To stay in the Greek mythology, Ares sounds like a cool callsign :slight_smile:

Shipwreck is particularly excellent.

Any takers for:

Swamp Gas



Matilda the Flying Skeptic is an awesometastic call sign. MTFS would fit, for short.

Cats will never develop space travel until they can figure out how to launch while napping.

Swamp gas! Oooh! Ooh! Meeeeee! ([/sarcasm])

We’ll save Swamp Gas for a rustic sort.

Somebody ought to grab Loki - the Norse (demi) god of fire and mischief.

Thor would also be awesome for that matter. Also known as [b]Donar

[/b]And if anyone wants to be my special friend, go with Tannhäuser

It’s midnight, young man! What are you still doing awake? Or maybe I don’t really want the answer to that.

It really is midnight!

Well, the GF just left. We watched “Say Anything” - a movie I can’t believe is rated as 100% on rottentomatoes.com - it just did NOT get it. I like teen angst movies, my favorite ones being 10 Thing I Hate About You and Breakfast Club, Say Anything didn’t do anything for me.

Parsifal, GR, Parsifal - the pure fool. About what the whole BSG saga could use right now.

Originally Posted by Gryper View Post
Wow you had dinner made for you?

Callsign-----> BOSS
You have NO idea.

End Quote:

I’m a good guesser!

Notice the subtext there? If Keara’s husband was home, I would have been slow-roasting in my apartment all afternoon.

End Quote:

Wouldn’t they both just let you do all the work and enjoy the cool air? :smiley:

Dang I gotta learn to use the Multi-quote thingie.

I know it’s midnight.

I love Say Anything. I love John Cusack in this movie. Maybe it’s a chick thing to love it.

I tried this with animated gif files before and it always kills the animation on me. :frowning: That’s not to say someone out there knows how to do it but I’ve never figured it out.

Cool, I’m glad you found one you like. And Thanks is more than I usually win! LOL

Yeah–I call SHowtime

Ooh, I like that. Much better than mine. Thanks, Starbutt!

Nope. I love this movie, and I just thoroughly checked…not a chick !

Hmm…I can’t offer an explanation…the scene with the guys drinking behind the convienence store alone is worth watching the whole thing for !!