What's your Galactica callsign?

I continue to suggest changing the m to g in Boomer for the bold.

Uhm. No. I will not! stomps foot

On another note, I’m going with Gaia for my callsign.

I want “Pimp Slap” to be mine.:cool:

U R:

Weathertop, given your screen name, how about Strider?

Since I work at night: Nightwalker, or something of that ilk :slight_smile:

I want to avoid the obvious Poo Barge

My favourites are Wildcard, Bad Ass or Riot Act

Other suggestions…
[li]Black Knight
[/li][li]Blind jump
[/li][li]Chosen One[/ul]For The Thrilling Three
[li]Chuck: Awesome
[/li][li]Sean: Reverend
[/li][li]Audra: Icecold (Whats’s cooler than being cool?..)

I want to avoid the obvious Poo Barge

My favourites are Wildcard, Bad Ass, Riot Act , SDK or MDK

Other suggestions…
[li]Black Knight
[/li][li]Blind jump
[/li][li]Chosen One[/ul]For The Thrilling Three
[li]Chuck: Awesome
[/li][li]Sean: Reverend
[/li][*]Audra: Icecold (Whats’s cooler than being cool?..)[/ul]Sorry for posting twice. I wanted to make sure Solai saw my suggestions.

Don’t you mean A Pimp Named Slickback?

How about Night Owl? Or Roach? :slight_smile:


Solai sees all.

Audra = Subzero


Oh Gods…I can’t stop laughing. That is awesome. PM me if that is your decision.

You call me Roach, I might hafta hunt you down and kick your sorry Barb! (Which might have something to do with growing up geek and being named Rachel…) :frowning:

But Night Owl’s not bad :slight_smile:

A thousand apologies. Unfortunately, most of the possible names to describe us “children of the night” are less than flattering. Blame the Daywalkers.

But Night Owl’s not bad :slight_smile:

Death from above, on silent wings.

Bunny go bye-bye. :eek:

You don’t know how bad I want a callsign, but the only thing that comes to mind is “Smartass” or “Freshmeat”. I’m not sure I like either one.

Suggestions for the widdle newbie?

Welcome Carys! As a first step I would recommend skimming the thread. There are many instances of people throwing out general ideas that anyone can pick from. Good place to start.

Fantastic - I’ll rummage through them after lunch.

I was referencing him, yeah, but that’s not gonna fit on a dogtag! and just plain “slickback” sounds cooler and mysterious.

It’s like A Tribe Called Quest, you say the whole thing. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I can’t think of A Tribe Called Quest without thinking of Denis Leary:

“…throwing gang signs like he thinks he’s a card-carrying member of the Wu Tang Clan! You ain’t a member of the Wu Tang Clan, you ain’t even a member of A Tribe Called Quest!..”