I continue to suggest changing the m to g in Boomer for the bold.
Uhm. No. I will not! stomps foot
On another note, I’m going with Gaia for my callsign.
I want “Pimp Slap” to be mine.
U R:
Weathertop, given your screen name, how about Strider?
Since I work at night: Nightwalker, or something of that ilk
I want to avoid the obvious Poo Barge
My favourites are Wildcard, Bad Ass or Riot Act
Other suggestions…
[li]Black Knight
[/li][li]Blind jump
[/li][li]Chosen One[/ul]For The Thrilling Three
[li]Chuck: Awesome
[/li][li]Sean: Reverend
[/li][li]Audra: Icecold (Whats’s cooler than being cool?..)
I want to avoid the obvious Poo Barge
My favourites are Wildcard, Bad Ass, Riot Act , SDK or MDK
Other suggestions…
[li]Black Knight
[/li][li]Blind jump
[/li][li]Chosen One[/ul]For The Thrilling Three
[li]Chuck: Awesome
[/li][li]Sean: Reverend
[/li][*]Audra: Icecold (Whats’s cooler than being cool?..)[/ul]Sorry for posting twice. I wanted to make sure Solai saw my suggestions.
Don’t you mean A Pimp Named Slickback?
How about Night Owl? Or Roach?
Solai sees all.
Audra = Subzero
Oh Gods…I can’t stop laughing. That is awesome. PM me if that is your decision.
You call me Roach, I might hafta hunt you down and kick your sorry Barb! (Which might have something to do with growing up geek and being named Rachel…)
But Night Owl’s not bad
A thousand apologies. Unfortunately, most of the possible names to describe us “children of the night” are less than flattering. Blame the Daywalkers.
But Night Owl’s not bad
Death from above, on silent wings.
Bunny go bye-bye. :eek:
You don’t know how bad I want a callsign, but the only thing that comes to mind is “Smartass” or “Freshmeat”. I’m not sure I like either one.
Suggestions for the widdle newbie?
Welcome Carys! As a first step I would recommend skimming the thread. There are many instances of people throwing out general ideas that anyone can pick from. Good place to start.
Fantastic - I’ll rummage through them after lunch.
I was referencing him, yeah, but that’s not gonna fit on a dogtag! and just plain “slickback” sounds cooler and mysterious.
It’s like A Tribe Called Quest, you say the whole thing.
Sorry, I can’t think of A Tribe Called Quest without thinking of Denis Leary:
“…throwing gang signs like he thinks he’s a card-carrying member of the Wu Tang Clan! You ain’t a member of the Wu Tang Clan, you ain’t even a member of A Tribe Called Quest!..”