What's your Galactica callsign?

fabulous! girly, no, but I love it!

We have a winner! Hook me up, Solai :slight_smile:

How about a nickname for your avatar: Smurfette?

Does that include animated gifs?

So I guess I’m not included in this challenge?

You have NO idea. :smiley:

Except how he avoids everything green. :slight_smile:

I’m not all that “domestically inclined.” So, since my husband is in Germany and I have air conditioning and RMHPH doesn’t, I bribed RMHPH to cook me dinner in exchange for being able to bask in my air conditioning. It’s win-win because I get a real meal instead of craaaap (my kids STILL wanted chicken nuggets and mac’n’cheese! :eek:) and RMHPH doesn’t melt. It’s frakkin’ hot outside. It wasn’t even remotely comfortable until about 7pm.

Notice the subtext there? If Keara’s husband was home, I would have been slow-roasting in my apartment all afternoon. :rolleyes:

I don’t know that it would work for animated gifs, unless it is part of the gif itself.

I have never worked with animations before, so I may not be the best one to try.

Static pics I can do.

Let’s see… I think Showtime and Joyrider haven’t been taken yet.

Hm… so you liked to be cooked for?

High Maintenance ?

Gourmet ?

Oh. I got one.


Damn you, Gramps. Much as I love the Skeptic idea, I guess I’ll have to accept what fate decrees.

Just as Manfred von Richthofen was known as the Red Baron, my exploits will go down in the history books as: Matilda, the Flying Skeptic.

(Of course, given the decreasingly small gene pool, the likelihood of annihilation by Cylons, the unlikelihood of finding succour on Earth, the possibility of internal religious jihad and/or revolution against despotism, the chances of actually being written about in history books is depressingly small.)

Oh, it will get written, and found in 100,000 when cats develop space travel. They will mindlessly chew on it though and then sleep on the remains.

How many characters can fit on one of those tags?

I got another idea for mine: Callsign.

Oh, and Sean, your call-sign: Apostrophe.

Look on the bright side - I went with Dead Meat - either the best or the worst call sign (depeding on one’s perspective) - but certainly the most memorable. At least in any fictional war story, it virtually guarantees my survival.

Now if I only had the slightest clue how to get the tag Solai has so generously made up and running.

I was thinking Mustang for me. As long as no one else is gonna use it.

Go get it while it’s fresh! PM Solai now!

ya i just did. Where did you get the callsighn “Icebox” from?

I don’t really now. It just happened. More or less…

Hey Dead Meat (and I thought “Gramps” was mean…)

right click on your tag, hit ‘copy’, then go into your User Profile area and hit signature. You can paste it right in…there are probably other ways but that’s how I did it.

… which leaves Solai with hilarious traffic from his photobucket account :smiley:

Done - only had to shut down office for 2 hours to accomplish. And my immortality is assured.

I’m away for a few days and everyone gets delusions of grandeur! Last night I spent an hour looking for the posts about the dog tags and just now I see the links in Solai’s signature! I’m very excited about this.

My call sign would be Doofa, a play on my initials (DFA) from my high school years, way back when. I thought of a few other callsigns, but they were either already taken or just not doing it for me.

Hey, Gryper, you’re the winner! You get…my thanks! (Isn’t that fantastic?!) :smiley:

That is truly inspired. :slight_smile:

Not true. The difference is that HE would make dinner and roll his eyes at us every time we say IYKWIM and mention GWC in-jokes in front of him. Plus, then the two of you would argue politics and I’d try to remain neutral.