“Spyder” is awesome!
As is “Booger.”
“Hey, Spyder, whyn’t you dance that drink over here?”
“Spyder” is awesome!
As is “Booger.”
“Hey, Spyder, whyn’t you dance that drink over here?”
Ok, that’s it. I’m K Plus. And, yes, Pike, they really did call me just like the horse tranquilizer.
well, then KNOCKOUT would also be great for you…
I know, I’m pretty hot, aren’t I
I get that a lot.
No, I meant Cookie Monster as your call sign.
Just “Cookie”
OK, I’ve been reading this thread since it started and I’ve stayed really quiet because, well, I can’t think of a good callsign for myself…
My brainstorming has only come up with really, really lame ideas that I’m jsut too embarrassed to share. So, since none of you really know me, with the exception of RMHPH (who made a fabulous dinner for me and the kids tonight with stuff he found in my pantry and fridge–he’s my own Take-home Chef!)…anywho, back on track…I challenge you to come up with a good callsign for me.
Wow you had dinner made for you?
Callsign-----> BOSS
Yeah, RMHPH knows my husband is the cook in this house. I’m not all that “domestically inclined.” So, since my husband is in Germany and I have air conditioning and RMHPH doesn’t, I bribed RMHPH to cook me dinner in exchange for being able to bask in my air conditioning. It’s win-win because I get a real meal instead of craaaap (my kids STILL wanted chicken nuggets and mac’n’cheese! :eek:) and RMHPH doesn’t melt. It’s frakkin’ hot outside. It wasn’t even remotely comfortable until about 7pm.
BOSS…actually that one’s not bad. I am pretty bossy. Keep the suggestions coming.
C is for Cookie, that’s good enough for me! cookie cookie cookie starts with C!
but I decided on Crumbs, since I am more under-the-table and blown-to-bits than I am sweet or monstrous. IYKWIM! (I don’t know what I mean but I felt like adding that.)
Sounds like it works out all around! You have the heat that we had yesterday, pushed east. Since you’re good at cutting deals…maybe Dealer?
I thnk ive setteled on…BoxHOLYS***THATWASABIGEXPLOSIONy
True but i never said i would be a good pilot, besides its my tribute to Lt. Col. Raymond Thomas Butts
as an aside wouldn’t it be awesome if “Steve Rankin” made guest shot on BSG.
How about Ninjette, Cypher or Arctic Fox? I LIKE Arctic Fox!
Boxy: Old School
Since you have been here since the blog started along with Pike.
Ok…I have decided that I need one of these too. Any suggestions? My high school mascot was the Titans. Not sure that is girly enough though.
First thought…“Guns”…if you are not aware, the nickname for big muscled arms…“Guns”