What's your Galactica callsign?

Why not?^^

Besides, Spunky is already taken.

I tried that too, but either my GIMP skills are just meager or else but you can all see the outcome, my userbar acquired the tarnished look of the dog tag. I actually like it a lot and did the same to my avatar, they all have this used look now.

I might steal this one if it’s still open, as my name is Katherine, my close friends call me K, and my family called me Special K (yes, like the cereal :rolleyes:) when I was a wee one.

It is open. Go take it!


Oh man - sorry Galaxy Ranger but I think I gotta go with Solai on this one. Tuffet is perfect.

I submit to the name selected for me - Gramps.

Although, as noted, it seals my fate as per every war movie. I’ve had it, dead meat, bought the farm - but will be avenged by some “young kid” whom I’ve taught a thing or two after he laughed at me for my old fashioned ways.

I move OT’s callsign be changed to DEAD MEAT

I’ve got it!
Callsign: Viking
(had a few other ideas but they all seemed too long)

Uh, I’m not sure but I think someone’s already taken that one. Could be Ebonheart…


I hate to admit it - but I kind of like it. Being a fatalist.

It’s also more in line with the sort of irreverent (to understate it) call signs that actually stick in the military.

I will accept it - as long as RS goes with Matilda.

Oh craaaaap, how did I not see that!

Back to the drawing board…

If you’re looking for cool ideas for callsigns, go see the movie “Hot Shots!”

I am confident that Booger is available.

Uhhhh, thanks but maybe I’ll think on it a bit longer!

For some reason, I am not surprised.

Some cool ones not taken yet:





Let’s see…

is Dark Knight taken? If not, I’d like it. Been a batman fan forever…:smiley:

either that or “Comic Book Guy” :slight_smile:

becuase I think “dude who calls GWC line and make no snese” is a little long

or Showtime is cool too.:smiley:

