What's your Galactica callsign?

How about “El Pollo Loco?”

As a fellow skeptic, I think that call sign fits RS quite well…

Great one!

Coq Flambé? :rolleyes:

In your signature, sandwich the image address between (IMG) and (/IMG) , but with brackets. My Photobucket address didn’t work for some reason, so I saved the image elsewhere.

Alas, dxf, it didn’t work. I may have to sacrifice the banner.

Nope, it is open. If that is what you want shoot me a PM and I’ll set you up!

That’s how mine works – the IMG brackets – but it seems like something screwy’s going on. Any technically capable people wanna help a brother out?

The forum will only allow one image at a time in a signature. The [noparse][/noparse] tags work fine otherwise.

Solai appears to have to images in his sig… Something must be amiss…

I thought the same thing. Try selecting the “images” with your mouse. It’s just one. He must have combined them into a single image.

Ahhh, quite crafty he is…

Solai has secret powers we can only dream of…

heh. I guess it originated with Cookie Monster but I’m more familiar with it as a LOLcat reference. I think the preferred spelling is Nom Nom Nom but I saw it spelled Om Nom Nom on the comic Questionable Content and liked it better.

I can imagine Col. Tigh saying something about OmNomNom and Adama interrupting to reprimand him. “Col. Tigh! it’s not snacktime!” and Tigh says “actually, it is.” in the meantime I get blown to bits. it’s my special destiny to be Crumbs, I think.

Some also are living the dream. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m sacrificing the banner. The dog tag is just too cool.




I need help thinking of a call sign guys - my mind is going blank.

Next time, read the whole thread :wink:

Oops - sorry! I read through it but I must have missed that part. Oh well - thanks GR. Why lightning?

Solai - can I have a dogtag graphic? Pretty please? :smiley:

Of course you may! Just PM your decision and I’ll get it out to you.

For you, my vote is for, “Tuffet”

I can always combine the sig and the dogtag for you. Just PM me the two pics and I can combine them for you to make it one image.

This goes for anyone - if you want the two combined send me the images and I will see what I can do for you.