V - new ABC series

Overall I liked it. It’ll be interesting to see if they can keep up the suspense that they portrayed so well in the first episode. It’s a big challenge.

I’d really enjoy a Visitor centirc storyline or two … really make it ambiguous. I’d love to see some sympathy for them, maybe their need for minerals is very legitimate, etc, dying race and all that.

Here’s to more V!

Awesome so far! Edge of your seat thrilling. Been a long time since a show completely turned my expectations on their ear. Just wish all the characters I actually like (Tudyk, Baccarin, Vandervoort) werent V’s, gives me no one to root for. :frowning:

You can still root for them. It’ll just mean we all get eaten. :slight_smile:

Normally, I probably would. But those V’s are just too darn creepy, with those plastic smiles and predatory stares. shiver

Wait, are we talking about V or ABC’s other show ‘Desperate Housewives’?

Wow! They ARE frighteningly similar aren’t they?

They are after our precious bodily fluids!!

We must deny them our essence.
The news guy who finds favor with the V reminds me of Michael J. Fox’s character in Mars Attacks.

Does that mean we can expect a bee-hive coifed call girl to pay him a visit? Man, I’d love to see that (even if it would change the show’s tone just a tad)!:smiley:

I loved Jack Nicholson as the president:
“You still have two out of the three branches of government working for you…and that ain’t bad.”

I haven’t seen that movie in ages, but every time I do I can’t help but spend days going, “Nah. Nah, NAH-nah, nah!” in that Martian whine that means “don’t run away, we are your friends.” heh heh

Ok, so Anna appears to be doing this signature “double blink” thing - I feel like this is somehow supposed to be reptilian, but I can’t figure out why, since most reptiles don’t blink, right? Does the Gekko from the Geico commercials do a double blink? Why does my brain associate this with reptiles? (I don’t know why this is bugging me).

Don’t give them any ideas! Though I imagine Alpha would probably resurrect too. SQUEE! I’m excited all over once again (Wash does that to me :D)Does this mean he’s at least a recurring character? I think he’d be a great addition to this cast. Well, if the show lasts anyway.

Awesome! I totally want to see that now.

As for the blinks, I guess it helps to characterize their ‘nonhuman-ness’, whether actual lizards blink or not (I think some do, some don’t. Depends on the type.) Or, maybe she was just really turned on by Scott Wolf?

And so begins the guessing game of “Who’s a V?” There’s still some pacing/structure problems in this episode as with the pilot, but so far I’m still enjoying the ride, and I feel like I can care about many of these characters. We’ll see.

rekha b on it!!

i know… when she walked by I was like “dude there’s a cylon in the FBI!!!, forget the visitors”

I am soooo embarassed that I did not recognize who was playing Anna, she just looks so different with that short hair, and her mannerisms are very different.:o

I guess they really liked her as the Goddess-like Villian in Stargate SG1 and cast her as the heavy in this series. I like!:slight_smile:

DAMN! Not again! Poor Wash. He can’t catch a break.

I bet Tory is a V.

Finally some headway into the ‘resistance’. It kind of sucks that the ‘miniseries’ run would end so soon (just after the 4th ep, right?) just when things get interesting.

Did anyone else find it kind of hokey that the both times the traitor V sought a fellow traitor V out for help, he gets attacked? So much for camaraderie. Also hokey - these super advanced Vs uses ‘hidden cameras in their jackets’ for surveillance like some 60s spy? WEAK. :smiley:

What’s even hokier is that they don’t seem to have any way to SAVE the information these cameras gather. Or at least that’s what the FBI seems to think since someone forgot to grab the jacket from the door as she left the fancy “Minority Report” room.

Spouse and I are wondering… but then we were thinking, well if Rekha Sharma played a cylon on BSG, would the V people cast her as a V knowing that we all know she was a cylon… or maybe we (me + spouse) think too much about these things

You (Ustedes) have a dizzying intellect.