Amen…somedays, I just don’t feel like being nice, so as my mother told me, I just don’t say anything at all.
bwahaha! If that was true, you’d be in convent somewhere, having taken a vow of silence.
Amen…somedays, I just don’t feel like being nice, so as my mother told me, I just don’t say anything at all.
bwahaha! If that was true, you’d be in convent somewhere, having taken a vow of silence.
He who controls me controls the universe!
I also make the eyes turn blue when consumed.
Protecting the disc itself isn’t quite as important as protecting what’s on it…
Hehe. Assface.
Sure. You can quit whenever you like. Keep telling yourself that. :rolleyes:
Warped Sense of Reality: Yes. (His, not mine)
Says you!
Likely to Precipitate intergalactic nucular warfare: Only if he can do it from his desk chair.
From the couch or bed would also be acceptable.
Oh, and I hereby move we start calling him Poofy Spice.
I hereby move that you keep your bright ideas to yourself.
That poor little thing.
What are you talking about? It’s obviously the next Hitchcock.
I’ve got a problem with the peep-hole.
Maybe it’s a reincarnation of the last one.
Feeling paranoid?
And if you want to be really depressed about racism against Obama in the race… one of my favorite blogs has a series calling things out… as it should be, but sometimes it’s too depressing for words.
Also, what about the woman (McCain supporter) who made up the story that a black man had robbed her at an ATM and ‘branded’ her with a black B on her face? How screwed up is that??? (I just heard on NPR about 10 minutes ago that she admits she made it all up… uf)
Though the feelings these incidents evoke are much stronger than just a pet peeve…
No. Not really. It’s just that peep-holes distort your view. I want to be represented truthfully.
Awww! Baby!
I second it!
At the risk of zipping back to what was said an hour ago, I TOTALLY second this. Insert has to be the stupidest key imagined. How exactly are you supposed to EVER need this? I like to call it the “Oh CRAP, I screwed up trying to delete something and now I’m fraked because I just typed over my ENTIRE PARAGRAPH!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!” key.
Does anyone actually use this key? Do you go over to the place where you want to correct something and press “insert” then type the correction carefully watching the screen till you get to the end of what you wanted to delete and replace, realize what you wanted to replace is not exactly as long as what you wanted to delete, press “insert” again, finished your corrections and move on??? WTF??? The “INSERT” key STOPS you from inserting.
I HATE this key, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. It should be moved into a corner of the keyboard where you can’t accidently hit it. [OK, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out … I feel better now]
You! You there with 57,000 Obama bumper stickers on your car! You, who just cut me off at 950 miles per hour without signalling!
You are not helping your cause.
Many undecided voters are voting McCain just because they think you’re a douche. When McCain’s heart stops ticking in the second week of his presidency, and we end up with President Sarah Palin, the blood will be on your hands. When President Palin decides to lead American souls to early rapture by turning our own nucular arsenal on our own populace, I will think of you, assface.
T-shirt. Right now. Brilliant.
I would if it was the staff bathroom.
Yeah, I guess. I was never much into playing CD’s in my car. The discmen were always so bulky and I’m pretty anal about keeping my CDs in their jewel cases. So I always just listened to tapes or, since 2003 or so, an iPod.
CD’s are quickly becoming obsolete anyway (although the sound quality is actually better on CD than MP3. Or so I’m told. I can’t really tell the difference).