The Official Pet Peeve Thread

As someone who lives in Alexandria and occassionally metroes (speaking of pet peeves: when did we drop the rule that the plural for words ending in “o” require the addition of an “e” before the “s”?) into the city, I and my family always abide by that rule as it’s extremely obnoxious when other people do it.

But as someone who has been doing most of his commuting on the beltway, I want to say how frakking annoying, obnoxious and utterly inconsiderate DC region drivers tend to be. UGH!

On the other hand, I just heard a story on the This American Life podcast about a guy who came back from the Iraq war with a deep distrust bordering on hatred of muslims. Realizing how irrational his fear was he decided to start attending his college’s Muslim Student Association simply to learn more about them, becoming, in the process, its most passionate member and developing a deep, lasting friendship with an Iraqi immigrant in the group. When we hear about so much hatred and racism in the world on a daily basis, hearing that story made me smile and think about how there is hope for humanity when there are people who can look at their prejudices and overcome them through nobility and love.

Most people can’t. Including many of those who think that they can. :slight_smile:

Right around the same time that we dropped the rule about not turning random nouns into verbs. :smiley:

I definitely think I can hear the difference at 96Kbps. I know I can’t hear the difference at 196Kbps. So, if it’s 196 or better, I consider it to be good enough. I know some people insist on lossless… frankly, I think it’s too much. Amazon sells it to me at 256Kbps. I’m more than happy with it.

Dude, all the kids are doing it! Let’s go nouning!

Yeah, 196 I’m consistently happy with. For things like podcasts and audiobooks, you don’t need a lot of range (the human speaking voice only goes so far), so 128 (and in some cases, even as low as 64) is fine, but most music sounds perfectly acceptable to me at 160. But 196 is good, just to be safe…

Dude, all the kids are doing it! Let’s go nouning!

Damn kids! Go noun yourself somewhere else! :wink:

Speaking of linguistic pet peeves: my biggest one is the use of the word “genius” as an adjective; as in the sentence, “The lightbulb was a genius idea.”

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!

The lightbulb was an INgenious idea. There’s a friggin’ adjective form for the noun “genius.” ARRRRGH!!!


I appear to have lost control for a moment there. Apologies. Please, carry on…

So, I guess this was not exactly a pet peeve. It’s more hilarious that it is annoying, but anyway…

Did you hear that McCain camp is pissed that Sarah Palin is no longer following the script McCain gives her? She’s at this point just given up on winning the election, and she’s more interested in using this national spotlight to cement her position as a future “leader” of the party. (Read Here)

Within weeks of the big election, I just can’t believe that the Republican Prez/VP candidates basicially accusing each other of having personal agenda. I think McCain thought Palin is the kind of gamble he had to take, and she blew up in his face. And he’s now pissed about it.

Uh I do all of those except for Dis-a-ney


check the thread title, sweetie :wink:

Pshah. It’s anti-New Yorker discrimination is what it is

Sharon + Anatomical drawing of a baby in a belly = Toaster Oven

And my biggest pet peeve is people who use the term “Frakkin A” wrong. As in in a negative sense like “Frakkin A I got fired” RARGH

I totally agree. And I’ll add to it that it drives me bonkers when people adamantly deny they even have an accent. I only moved 85 miles from where I grew up, but I moved into a different speech region. [b]Everybody[/b] has an accent. Even Clevelanders.

I don’t have an accent. The rest of yous guys do




I have been thinking about developing interesting personality quirk, you know, just as a hobby. Maybe I should go with an accent instead. I hear half-ass British accent is popular these days… maybe I should try that.

You’ve got politics in my GWC.
You’ve got GWC in my politics.

I don’t have an accent either. :smiley:

Seriously what’s wrong with lopster and samwhich and expresso?

The women will be falling at your feet, or maybe like Madonna, it’ll be gay men…


Nothing, really. I like accents, and those things amuse me. As long as you realize you’re saying them wrong. :smiley:

It’s the perfect time, too, since Madonna will probably have to give up hers after the divorce. :slight_smile: