The Official Pet Peeve Thread

OK, please tell me you did that on purpose. :rolleyes:

Anyway, any computer made in the last 20 years has a mouse that lets you select text and move your cursor at will. A key that only partially replicates that function while adding the potential for accidentally undoing your own work is a key I want to yank off my keyboard. :mad:

And another odd thing that came out of that…


mmm, irony. :smiley:

Frankly, I’m almost surprised that someone objected, considering the demographic.

Wait, what do you call it when you stereotype bigots? :rolleyes:

When a Cylon gets pregnant, does that make her a toaster oven?
(You know, cuz’ she’s got one in the)


My god, he’s gone senile!

(That girl in the back, hot or not?)

The ugly one with the hat?

Life with you just seems longer…it’s like being married. One big pet peeve.

On the last point: I have been able to do everything with my combo VCR/DVD player with relative ease,…except change the display time - I am assuming that this option is locked because it is connected with the space-time continuum itself and to alter it would be altering the fabric of existence…)

On the first point: You actually make my point exactly - I would not consider playing a CD in a car an unusual or careless activity - I would call that living…shouldn’t the products we invest in, especially those supposedly on the cutting edge of technology, afford us some livability and take into account the real rigors of daily existence (and our stupidity as a species)? They make laptops that you can drop on the floor and spill coffee all over, but you can only handle a CD by its edges???

I bet that the disk-like-thing that Zephran Cochran put into his player on the first warp flight in First Contact had some scratchproofness…I’m just saying…

Do you know of the “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks? If poor sign grammar really roasts your rump, this will provide some good righteous indignation and a few fits of giggles.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when the asshats in the department next door to mine come in to my office’s reception area to have private convos that they don’t want their coworkers to overhear.
a) distracting to students and profs trying to work in that area
b) I don’t have an office, just a desk in the larger area, so every time they do it I can’t get anything done for a while
c) they stand right in front of the door and don’t move for people who need to come or go

Seriously, who thinks that is ok? The problem is that I get so irrationally angry that I can’t say, “Hey, f***k-faces, cut it out!” because instead I would turn into Godzilla and kill them.

As I was telling RMHPH on the phone this afternoon, one of my big pet peeves is my pharmaceutical insurance requiring prior authorization for prescriptions that my doctor or my child’s doctor has written. Uh, dudes, my doctor went to medical school. I have all the faith in the world in him or I wouldn’t be there or taking his advice. In my opinion, the very fact that he has the balls to write the prescription and sign his name to it, is in fact his prior authorization that I (or my child, in today’s case) need that medication. Seriously, makes me want to choke the crap out of someone at my insurer. This has happened twice in this past six weeks. It’s so frakkin’ annoying. When they questioned my medication I was annoyed but I dealt with it…when the questioned a med for my kid…well, let’s just say Mama Bear was not very happy. Unfortunately, before I got to rip anyone a new orifice, the doctor decided we’ll try the “generic” first and if it isn’t effective we’ll have ammunition to get them to pay for the other drug. Meanwhile it’s my kid who is miserable and whose comfort we’re toying with. F*&%ers!!! :mad:

No, I was actually asking. Unless someone else is clever enough to come up with a punchline. :slight_smile:

I extend life and expand consciousness. I am The Spice. :smiley:

I love that word…It’s really an all-occasion insult.

c) they stand right in front of the door and don’t move for people who need to come or go
I have a similar complaint about a group of moms whose children are in another class at my daughter’s preschool. The class is on the corner of a hall and it’s a big bottleneck. They are completely oblivious to the fact that the way they stand in the hallway blocks every other parent and child from getting through the hallway to their respective classrooms. Apparently, they also don’t know what the words “excuse me” spoken either nicely or rudely (believe me, I’ve tried BOTH) mean.

Seriously, who thinks that is ok? The problem is that I get so irrationally angry that I can’t say, “Hey, f***k-faces, cut it out!” because instead I would turn into Godzilla and kill them.
Amen…somedays, I just don’t feel like being nice, so as my mother told me, I just don’t say anything at all.

Hmm… addictive, leads to warped sense of reality, and precipitates an intergalactic nucular warfare? Yeah, that’s Poofy alright.

There was supposed to be some sort of artificially created sapphire coating that would make discs virtually scratch-proof. Presumably there was some issue with it, because I read about it years ago and still haven’t seen them in action…

The issue is that the mass production cost of a CD/DVD turned out to be so ridiculously cheap. It makes no economic sense to protect it, when you can make another one for less than a penny.

Something that helps me with another one of my pet peeves is elbows.

You see, on the metro escalators, it is proper etiquette to stand on the right-hand side if you don’t intend to walk down the stairs. That way, walkers can pass you easily by walking down the left side. Sounds simple, right?

No. When there is a big event on the Mall, or at the Verizon Center, or a baseball game, suburbanites park at garages on the borders of the city and metro in. It seems to be a universal truth that living in Montgomery, Prince George’s, Arlington, Fairfax, and Alexandria counties means that you are unable to get on an escalator and follow that one simple rule.

So I like to say very nicely, “Excuse me!” and then mow them all down by walking up with my elbows out. It’s good exercise, too.

You dreamed it…just like me and the Magic Garlic Peeler…:smiley:

Addictive: No

Warped Sense of Reality: Yes. (His, not mine)

Likely to Precipitate intergalactic nucular warfare: Only if he can do it from his desk chair.

Oh, and I hereby move we start calling him Poofy Spice.

You should hear the GF get on her ‘rolling suitcases’ rant.