I’m waiting on a new table, a big one, with twelve menus on it, and only 3 people there yet. I walk up and open my mouth to greet and get drink orders, and always, ALWAYS, I get, “oh, we’re not ready to order, we’ve got 9 others joining us.”
My way of coping: I silently look around at the menus and empty seats, and let the “I’m not blind you frakking morons” remain unsaid. I then act as if they haven’t spoken, greet them, and get their drink orders.
In second place, also in the waiting department, I am waiting on a large table and taking their order - those who have already ordered conversing, laughing, screaming at each other making it difficult for myself, and the rest of the people at their table to hear and give their orders. In best case scenario: those who are having difficulty ordering yell at the disrespectful. In worst case scenario: I lose it and order everyone to shut up until we’re done. (I usually only do this if I’m autogratting…)
In third place: I work in a mexican restaurant where people get chips and salsa when their drinks come. I’m taking orders, and before Mr. Idiot tells me his, he puts a chip loaded with guacamole in his mouth and preceeds to tell me his order while chewing - so now I not only have to deal with someone eating and talking at the same time - ewwwwwwwww - but it looks like his mouth is full of snot. If I were on a date with this person, he would SO not get any.