The Official Pet Peeve Thread

While it’s easy to appreciate the cathartic value of the “B_tch & Moan” thread, it’s often somewhat depressing. So that’s where this thread comes in: use it to share your pet peeves, the little everyday things that annoy you on a visceral, completely irrational level.

For instance, one of my big pet peeves is the “cancel” function on toasters (the bread kind). I mean, WTF? How does anyone decide to make toast and then realize in the next minute or so that “OMGs! What was I thinking??? I don’t want toast!” :confused:

An even bigger pet peeve of mine is that, yes, apparently people actually do this. :mad:

Anyway, post your own pet peeves here.

The cancel button is quite handy. For example if you put the bread in and accidently choose the wrong setting. Some toasters can’t be changed during the process.

Pet peeve of mine? Pet peeve threads. I frakking hate them.


I keed! I keed!

I have one really bad pet peeve. I get really angry when I get on an elevator by myself and at the last minute someone comes in while the doors are closing and presses a floor beneath me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is true.

I know, man… “Cancel” button is in fact an abbreviation for “(It’s Too Late To) Cancel” button. I mean, by this time, you’ve already sliced your bread, or cut your bagel in half, or taken your pop-tart/eggo out of it’s plastic wrap. Some have already been even jammed on one side. You put that back in the bag and eat it tomorrow, it’s gonna taste like ass.

Don’t hit that "Cancel’. Put your head down and power through… let’s finish what we started.

(I just notice that underneath this edit pane, there’s a “Submit Reply” button, and “Preview Post” button, but there’s no “Cancel Reply” button. See, this is where a “Cancel” button might be very, very useful. Have seen the kind of replies in youtube video comments?)

you know what really grinds my gears?

When customers comes into a store and quotes that the customer is always right; when they’re clearly wrong. guess what, a good portion of the time the customer is wrong; quite wrong indeed.

I hate when people pick their nails and it makes the clicking sound. I also hate to watch people eat…which is why i despise the Hardees commercials

  1. Drivers that think EVERY INTERSECTION has a right-turn lane. I swear it must be part of the law enforcement training manual 'cause ALL of them here to this.

  2. People who chew gum with their mouth open. Yuck.

  3. People who get to the checkout lane, ring up everything, and then go “oh - I forgot xxx” and they run back to get it. Frakking buy your crap, push the cart off to the side, and then go get your other thing. The rest of us in line remembered all our stuff and we’d like to check-out and go home…

Poofy, you ignorant slut…I use the cancel function on my toaster oven all the frakkin’ time to prevent it from over-toasting my toast. Because, as we all know, TOASTERS CAN NOT BE TRUSTED!!!

I’m frankly kinda peeved about problems with the Real-Time with Bill Maher show podcast.
They post the audio of that HBO show in iTunes. And it seems like almost every week this season there’s some sort of problem. You download it and it says it’s 55 minutes, but it craps out after around 15 minutes. Marty Short was in the middle of saying something insightful about John McCain and then poof the podcast dies.:frowning:

I love you. How did we all miss this? Someone send Adama a message:


And that one time, Adama had already buttered his bagel and put it into the toaster, when all of a sudden, he realized that he couldn’t trust the damn thing. That was when the cancel button came in handy. He got his bagel out just in time…


I’m waiting on a new table, a big one, with twelve menus on it, and only 3 people there yet. I walk up and open my mouth to greet and get drink orders, and always, ALWAYS, I get, “oh, we’re not ready to order, we’ve got 9 others joining us.”

My way of coping: I silently look around at the menus and empty seats, and let the “I’m not blind you frakking morons” remain unsaid. I then act as if they haven’t spoken, greet them, and get their drink orders.

In second place, also in the waiting department, I am waiting on a large table and taking their order - those who have already ordered conversing, laughing, screaming at each other making it difficult for myself, and the rest of the people at their table to hear and give their orders. In best case scenario: those who are having difficulty ordering yell at the disrespectful. In worst case scenario: I lose it and order everyone to shut up until we’re done. (I usually only do this if I’m autogratting…)

In third place: I work in a mexican restaurant where people get chips and salsa when their drinks come. I’m taking orders, and before Mr. Idiot tells me his, he puts a chip loaded with guacamole in his mouth and preceeds to tell me his order while chewing - so now I not only have to deal with someone eating and talking at the same time - ewwwwwwwww - but it looks like his mouth is full of snot. If I were on a date with this person, he would SO not get any.

Thank god for this thread - I finally get to get this off of my chest:

Pet Peeve: CD’s and DVD’s and how easily they scratch.

Now, I understand that they perform better and truer than their predecessors, but OMFG, why the frak would you create a product that doesn’t stand up to regular handling, with the same life expectancy of old LPs!!! It’s like we’ve gone back in time. At least with a video cassette, or an audio cassette, you never ever had to worry about skipping, having to stop the whole thing, turn it back on, and go through the process of finding where it was you left off when the whole thing frakked up.

I’m proud to say that, while the world was converting from audio cassettes to CD’s, I was a poor college and then grad student who couldn’t afford to keep up with the times, and only came back into the game with the rise of mp3’s, so I skipped the entire mess, pun intended.


My pet peeve is a little kooky. I’ll call it cultural mispronunciation.
Don’t get me wrong, I like accents. (I even find the suburban Boston one from around here at least funny.)
But when I hear people pronouncing sandwich like “sam-wich”, esspresso like “express-o”, Disney as “Dis-a-ney” and lobster like lop-ster, it just bugs me.
I don’t know why, but it’s instant nail-on chalkboard for me. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

You need to go live on the west coast. Least accents per mile in the US. The Northeast is like your kryptonite.

When people pronounce the word Nuclear as “Nucular” It irritates the shit out of me - and what really get’s me going is when a character on TV that is supposed to be really smart says it that way.

I like how they clap nervously at the end when you just know some of them are guilty as sin of what i like to call retail abuse.

You wanna know what my pet peeve is? People who start pet peeve folders on internet forums. THAT’S my pet peeve. :wink:
(I kid because I love.)