The Official Pet Peeve Thread

Don’t forget, not only is Bush the man ultimately in charge of nation’s NUCULAR arsenal, he’s also the man leading the fight against TER. It’s part of the Bush doctrine. (Palin says “what”?)

Bob agrees with you. :slight_smile:

An apostrophe does not mean “here comes an s!”

It also means “here comes an m, d, t or ve”.

I can’t say I’ve never been guilty of public cell phone use, but only within reason and never at any appreciable volume (I’m generally what Jerry Seinfeld calls a “low talker”). What really annoys me is the people who use two-way radio phones in public. They usually hold the phone away from their heads, so they’re talking louder than usual, and they’ve got the volume turned up high as well, so you can hear both sides of the conversation – and the irritating “chirps”. :mad:

Sometimes I’ll supply the other half of a phone conversation, as if the person was talking to me. Usually, they’re too engrossed to hear me, but it’s funny for everyone else.

One time this guy was giving a phone number and I just started repeating it back to him, as if I was taking it down. He did hear me and was more than a little weirded out. I was tempted to call him and say “That’s why you don’t give your number out in public, moron” but then he’d have my number, etc.

Ooh, there’s another big one: the “Insert” key. It converts your computer to “overtype” mode, which I’ve never needed and rarely wanted. And unlike NumLock and Caps Lock, there’s no indicator light to warn you. And I’ve never been able to find a reliable way to disable it without completely reprogramming the keyboard or physically removing the key itself.

Why on earth would you wanna remove a key that let’s you make insertions?

Did anyone else see this? I hate when people do something clearly offensive and then are completely shocked (SHOCKED!) when people are actually offended. :mad:

Oh yeah! Solai ringtone! :smiley:

I’m speechless.

There’s also the weird flip side of that, as in this story of a political canvaser in rural PA. (Not really a peeve. Just odd.)

snort Nice.

I guess I could clarify. This girl who works for me was talking about a call that had just come in for someone who was out of the office for the day. It was a collections call coming from a call-center overseas. The girl who took the call says, “You know, it was one of those” and makes a ululating noise. And then had no idea why I was mad.

I must have a ringtone that screams “Turn that damn phone off!”

I hate when people don’t read ahead before posting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Since I only started this thread yesterday, I win by default, due to your miscounting of days. :stuck_out_tongue:

heh. It’s “The War on Terra”. :smiley:

(I don’t know what offends me more, that this GOP group is so blatantly racist, or that they suck so badly at being racists.)

Also, this can’t be the work of one racist person. Someone surely came up with the idea, they must’ve talked about it, and some did the photoshopping. Then they sent it to be printed somewhere, and the printers must’ve seen it. The fact is, this was a group effort. And no one, during this process, came out said, “hold on, fellow Republicans, this is really fucked up, we shouldn’t be doing this.”

This leads to me to believe that this group that printed this, they are all kinda racists. Maybe not all out-and-out klansmen, but there must be a predominant culture of quietly snickering prejudice in that group. No way this could happen in a group of mostly decent people with one super racist fucktard. No, this was a group effort.

I took this picture with my phone (pardon the blur) at a department store (name withheld to protect the stupid). There were dozens of these signs, which appeared to be professionally manufactured, if not proofread.

heh. :smiley: