Just checking my Facebook account I ran into ads for a “Learn to be Rich” seminar by the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.
Yeah, cause THAT’S my problem: I don’t KNOW how to be rich!
I think I love you.
In terms of grammar, there are so many things that bother me. But given that, being at a university, I am generally around people who speak decently, the complete misuse of the subjunctive kills me. !!!
I really also dislike systematic typos - one here and there isn’t too bad, but every other word? Drives me crazy.
LOL this thread makes me seem much more neurotic about stuff than I really am
The misuse of “its” vs. “it’s” does it for me, even though I know that it’s an easy mistake to make. Its proper usage is not that hard to learn, however.
Also, I hate, hate, HATE text message speak. If you can’t bother to write “to” but must use the number “2,” just don’t bother writing.
Originally Posted by Armando
Um…I own some 700 CDs. Some I’ve had for going on two decades. The only ones I’ve ever scratched are ones I’ve loaned to careless friends who listened to them in the car, did not handle the discs by the edges, and left them in the glove compartment rather than put them back in their jewel box. I hate it when people do that (which is why I don’t lend out discs anymore).This is not meant to make you feel old (seriously) but my Dad is totally like that. Though I won’t say anything, you are to CDs what I am to books. No lending books from me.
No worries. It doesn’t make me feel old. I’m a musician and I have learned a lot from the discs in my collection. While I’m slowly (since they’re all in storage right now) moving them onto MP3, I still like keeping them clean from scratches so they will last their full lifetime, which is longer than my own. I’m the same with DVDs. I’m proud to say, my daughter (the one old enough to know better, at least) is also like this. We’ve trained her well.
thank you! you know what’s worse? when teachers do it. pronunciation, spelling, grammar…oh, the atrocities I’ve witnessed at the hands of my fellow teachers!
Capitalization errors; sentence fragments…
(And yes, I’m aware my response above is itself a sentence fragment.)