Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

Bah. Give me a hard one!

(wait for it…)

Again, not me… this time around…

Wrong end. :smiley:

Limp Bizkit - Nookie lyrics

If it comes from Slate and it’s reposted here, it’s 95% likely to be me.

That is so unguttery… let’s see… someone should spice this up for me. Apparently I am a little dull at the moment.

You truly have a gift my friend. Like a Black Hole, you bend all energy, gravity and light to one place: The Gutter.

That reminds me, my high school German is little shaky. Is it “Der Gutter”, “Die Gutter” or “Das Gutter”? In other words, is it a masculine, feminine or neuter noun?

Are you trying to seduce me? I wonder what the Catwoman and my gf would think of that…

On the other hand… if you’re suggesting a Starbuccaneer sandwich on Casilda-and-GR bread, that has some serious potential.

What? You never make a bet where the winner gets a free cookie? Those are the best, because no matter what happens, you win.

Pssst! No! No you don’t! Trust me here!

Mmm… sandwich. I know what I’m having for lunch.

Let me see …where did I put that checklist. Oh, here it is.
List of Threads That Have Descended into the Gutter.

Pet Peeves. — check
Face your magna ---- check.

Busy, busy day…barely time enough to battle the Spambots…:smiley:

I love sandwiches.

I mean real cookies! Delicious chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookies! And no Hobbits!

In case anyone is wondering…once the activity on this thread dies down this entire thread will be dumped into the gutter.

…and no, this is not a call to spam the heck out of it forever :smiley:

I find it easier to keep a list of ones that didn’t. Or, I would if there was any need to keep it.

I love cookie sandwiches.

Can you imagine what miracles I work in my own language?

That reminds me, my high school German is little shaky. Is it “Der Gutter”, “Die Gutter” or “Das Gutter”? In other words, is it a masculine, feminine or neuter noun?

I’d say Der Gutter. Of course, if you want an actual translation, we’d have to look for a proper German word.

Oh, get a room you two. (Three? Whatever.)

Make it so. That is your assignment for the day.

And they say Germans aren’t funny?

Whoever “they” are?