Face your manga

Nice of you to finally post your likeness here… I’ve been seeing your face in Twitter for weeks now, wondering when you’re gonna unleash your cartoon superpowers on GWC. :smiley:

Or, as my High School English teacher would put it:

(Perv Understood)

Yeah, I was a bit slack. I had to find my old Flickr ID and get help from the awesome folks on these boards as to how to post it

I don’t know if I would call myself hot! I think Sean has an awesome accent, but if memory serves I think he’s married? Oh well, a girl can dream …

That makes me giggle. :slight_smile: I forget that to those folks not living in the US, we have accents. :D;)

Right where I belong!

Thirded. I’m such a sucker for blue eyes and brown hair.

In that case, let’s go for it!

Thirded. I’m such a sucker for blue eyes and brown hair.

Ever seen a picture of me?


I would have done this sooner, but there was no receding hairline option.
I had to take matters into my own hand and edit my manga-dude manually.

That’s scary accurate, too. :eek: DH was amazed.


Has anyone ever told you how much you look like Diablo Cody? (Saw your pic in the Here’s lookin’ at you thread too…holy cow, what a resemblance! Except for the eye color. It’s uncanny.)

Aaaaand after a quick google … Thank you very much!! :o I knew her name, and read Candy Girl (good book,btw) but didn’t know what she looked like. No one’s told me that before. Usually I get Minnie Driver, wtf?

eta congrats on making OG!

Okay, I still like my hand-crafted one, but this was pretty entertaining.

Reminds me of a Flash tool a mate sent me a while back for designing Wii characters…where did that link go?

What, no sad face?

No, better mood today altogether. =) I remembered what had me in the craptacular mood for that other picture – just as we were finishing the second set, the barstaff brought me a refill of a big ol’ goblet of vino, which some meathead promptly bumped right off the stage monitor, spilling it across (a) my feet (b) my mic stand © my setlist. The shards of glass didn’t help either.

Did you get a haircut, or just your manga?
Your new manga hair is cute.

Well, my current manga is a much more accurate representation of my hair cut and color. I was creating a manga for a friend the other day and saw this hair style and didn’t remember seeing it when I created my original manga, so I decided to re-do mine.

I finally checked this out. Here’s mine:

Looks nothing like me…except for the hair color…and the eyes!

Gryper is a girl? How did I miss that?