Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

Assignment? It’s friday night!

The gutter must be served.
What? Do you think Batman sits around in his Batcave on Friday nights and says “Oh crap, the frakin’ Bat-Signal. Frak it. I don’t care if Gotham City is in trouble. I’m gonna sit back, open up a Heinken and watch me some Doctor Who.”

Ha! I just sprayed my monitor with diet Pepsi! Nice find!

Sounds like a good Friday night to me. Where can I find this Batman guy?

Oh, GR, you know the gutter never sleeps!

Just a completely random question… So, I’ve been told that Klingons have 3 penises. How many balls do they have? 2, 3, or 6?

Holy moley - I came across this pic and I think my ovaries tried to leap over the the screen!

Ok, here’s a challenge, take this to the gutter:

I went outside today at noon, because it’s a beautiful autumn day, I took my Ipod with me, sat on a bench nearby, closed my eyes, listened to a podcast and let the sun shine on my face.

Was it this iPod?

[b]my beautiful autumn …

…took … me,

sat on …

… my face.[/b]

What you and your girlfriend Autumn do together is your own business :eek:

“German outdoor action!” :smiley:

Did you know that a google search of “Schwarzenegger penis” with safe search turned off actually gives you some nice results?

Nice! :smiley:

Including this one:

People who buy hummers have small private parts.

One of the responses:

That is a ridiculous assertion. Whether or not somebody purchases a hummer has nothing to do with their endowment below the belt.

This should not even dignify a response.

The poster doth protest too much, methinks. :smiley:

I’m getting a déjà vu here…

incidentally, just so that you guys know, I didn’t start this thread, Solai just made it look like I did!

Totally valid point. I hope I did make that clear in my first post. The subject was just too good to be buried in another thread.

What, you just accidentally “happen” to type “Schwarzenegger penis” into Google image search? :smiley:

And now, for no reason whatsoever, I bring to a half-naked picture of a beautiful girl:

Thank you. That is all. You may now all return to your previous threads.