Star Wars Ep.2: Attack of the Clones

gods, Natalie Portman’s gorgeous

Yeah, there are a lot of those, “Let’s spell it for the kids”, moments in the PT. Like the handmaiden bit in EP.1

agreed. I wish I looked that good first thing in the morning…

“I’m sorry, I don’t have a choice”–nothing’s ever Anakin’s fault, is it?

I tend to picture it more as like the end of an Golden Age.People becoming apathetic, etc, things being left to go into disrepair, etc. Kinda like with Rome falling apart at the end is how I picture it.

I had the shot of her from the trailer on my desktop forever. Grrrrr.

Did I mention she makes me gaga? I hope you are not wondering where my hands are. :stuck_out_tongue:

LadyD, of course nothing is ever Anakin’s fault. I say we blame the midichlorians, or however you spell them.

jet pack doesn’t work well for Jango either–Boba should’ve known better

Despite my fear of heights, I want a jet pack.

When Jango and Obi-wan fight, my whole being was like, “YEA Star Wars!!”

Right. But the decay hasn’t set in yet.

The fight was kind of weak though. Jango should have been more kick-ass.

I do the Jedi open door thing at Walmart all the time.

He’s got a child to protect.

When he says he’s looking for Shmi Skywalker, it totally sounded like bastardized Portuguese, something like “bosca de Shmi Skywalker”

I accept no excuses for the Fetts. None at all.

I know what you mean. Frak the people that whine about Boba Fett losing his mystery. If GL wants to pander to us fanboys, I don’t mind one bit. :smiley:

does your wife allow you to go out in public with her? :wink:

The whole “we cant do anything about slavery on the outer rim,” always bothered me.