Star Trek Into Darkness - June 29, 2012...or perhaps May 17, 2013

I think it’s just them having fun. “Hey? Let’s ask them something silly and watch 'em go.”

Robert Orci asked a question on the boars of TrekMovie -

Q: By the time we reunite with the beloved crew of the USS Enterprise in the summer of 2012, what adventures from the original series should already be in their PAST?

None? Two seasons worth? Ten Episodes? Which ones?

Now although they probably already know what they are going to do…it’s a cool thought…

I’m thinking year and a half…give the “new crew” time to gel, so that they are a real team when the movie starts. I know a few on the boards don’t want Khan (I think it’d be a great story that could be updated/rebooted nicely, but what do I know?), so this would also give them an entirely new canvas to play with.


Eighteen months to 3 years should suffice.

Get Spock’s Brain, Miri, Empath, etc., out of the way. d:

The problem with revisiting any of the past stories is that Spock has presumably warned of all of them during his debriefing. IMHO the first five minutes of the next show should be

[li]Kirk arresting Mudd
[/li][li]The crew taking the Botony Bay under tow
[/li][li]Phasering the hell out of Apollo’s power supply

Lol. That would be a good montage…

So…how’s about that script…

Just been waiting for JJ [Abrams] to be free to really decide if he likes the story and hear his suggestions before we finish the script. Once he says go, we’ll have it in no time. Meanwhile, our outline is detailed enough (70+ pages!) to do some prep :)…In the meetings we’ve had with JJ, he’s already given us amazing input and ideas, and that’s been while he’s been up to his eyeballs in Super 8.

uuuuuuggghhhhh…(slams head on desk)

Pretty much confirming the above - no script - just a 70- page outline.

so we’re probably looking at Holiday 2012, or later

so we’re probably looking at Holiday 2012, or later

Turns stasis chamber dial 6 months forward, hops back in

Why would Spock though? Like he said in the actual movie, it’s imperative that they learn and grow as they naturally would (as best possible under the new circumstances)

And PLEASE GOD NO APOLLO MENTION!! They used to show that damned episode every 5 weeks on Channel 11 6pm on Saturdays when I was a kid (gotta love the 10" B&W TV with the tin foil antenna sitting on the cabinet knob to get best signal)…I never need see that again!!!

well considering the below - we may see how Trek '09 characters deal with original series eps

still tweaking the script…

:frowning: Trek has definitely been moved. Disappointed there won’t be trek next summer, but happy the creative team will get the time they deserve the make the sequel awesome.

More Trek news…might be Khan…might not be Khan

Way back when I first heard the news that Khan was a possiblity I was so adamant. Now I’m just apathetic. I don’t know whether that’s because it doesn’t matter to me anymore and I trust Linedlof and crew OR I’m just preparing myself for something I have no control over.


Why in blazes would it be Khan? I don’t understand this repeated assertion that Khan must be next, it’s as if y’all are unclear on the timeline. Space Seed takes place in 2267, the 2009 movie ends in 2258. The Wrath of Khan takes place in 2285.

Will this happen for each movie? Will people expect the 3rd to be about Genesis and IV to be about whales? It’s a new timeline with a much younger crew. Kirk wasn’t seasoned on the Farragut, Spock didn’t serve under Pike for the full span… it’s all different.

Please note: V’ger was not in the 2009 film.

ok…ummm what now? There’s never been an established year in the series or WoK (beyond “In the 23rd Century…”) that’s been listed as canon as far as Im aware.

I think the reason Khan is mantioned is due to the fact he is one of (if not the ) most popular Trek villians. And it would be interesting to some to see how this crew deals with Khan. Different crew could lead to a different outcome

However, I have mentioned this several other posts…so let me be clear…again…THIS DOES NOT MEAN KHAN WILL BE IN THE MOVIE. Just something they are discussing. It may be an original idea…it may be space hippies singing about “eden” and stealing Spocks Brain. UNtil it is announced, it could be anything.

Eithery way, we’ve got a long wait until late '12/Summer '13 for a new Trek

Not to mention that Old Spock is around to warn them of such things. Any rehash of previous stories just won’t make sense.

Please let it be space hippies… please let it be space hippies…

Parts of the script have been leaked, interesting stuff. Here’s one:




(Fade in, to a starfield. The USS ENTERPRISE glides into frame from bottom left, accelerating away from planet)

“Captain’s log, star date 1302.4. We have beamed the cryomodules containing the genetic supermen down to Ceti Alpha 6. Ambassador Spock’s report was quite firm on that point, despite Ceti Alpha 5 being a much more attractive target, but orders are orders. Also transported, one Ms. Marla McGivers, a teenager from Earth. I don’t understand how temporal pre-crime works, exactly, but the rules are quite… strict.”

(Montage, showing Starfleet Corp of Engineers at work. Massive structures are towed into place by starships, asteroids are destroyed at leisure, an irregularly shaped tube (NOTE: DOOMSDAY MACHINE CGI NEEDED - CONTACT CBS:DIGITAL WITH CASE OF BEER) with a glowing mouth is attacked by a fleet of ships and disabled)

"Work to ‘future proof’ the quadrant continues. The Corp of Engineers has successfully isolated the unknown planet of Talos, a series of planets ruled by energy beings and monsters with an unusual affinity to ancient Earth culture, contact has been made with interstellar flying colonies, and more.

(Montage continues, young officers are being pulled out of bed and arrested. The arrested, often young officers, are thrown into stockades as they look around uncomprehendingly.)

“The political purges distress me. Men and women are being sent to prison for things they… have not yet done, if they ever would. A diplomatic mission with these time reports to the Klingon empire have led to bloodshed as various houses have been slaughtered. Never more shall the name ‘Duras’ be uttered on the purple-stained floors of the Klingon High Council. Likewise, a fleet of battleships has been deployed towards a distant world populated by whale-like creatures that are due to attack Earth itself in a couple decades. I grow increasingly uncertain as to the shaky moral footing my Federation has begun to walk across.”

Some shocking stuff…

Te he he. Awesome.

Yeah, these seem like creative guys. Could they please come up with something original? Please, pretty please.

Star Trek 2009 went out of its way to litteraly reboot Star Trek, change the timeline and all. So, good! JJ, Daman, Orci and the other guy, go forth and excercise that freedom for fraks sake!!