Star Trek Into Darkness - June 29, 2012...or perhaps May 17, 2013

Yousa people gonna die?

That was snicker not funny "rachelsnort*

raises hand

Can I just have a good old fashioned space adventure that isn’t dreary and depressing? Chris Pine’s Kirk is a perfect expression for the new Trek. He faces adversity head-on with a swagger and a grin. Keep that brash attitude and have fun.

Oh well, what do I know? shrugs

What would a few CGI whales cost these days? Just asking.

Don;t think Orci uis saying it will be dark…just that it’s an option. One among many.

Considering they don’t even have a draft until the end of the year…we could be looking at Star Trek - Vengence of the Tribbles. or Star Trek - Miri’s Whining or Star Trek - Damn Space Hippies, Get Off My Lawn, for all we know.

Long as it’s not Star Trek- Return of the Cloverfield Monster, I’ll be fine.

…who am I kidding, I’d see that too.

Not Star Trek: The Wrath of Mudd?

I’m just hope there’s an all out war with those Klingon bastards, and Spock prime keeps that Nixon going to China sh!t to himself.
(I’m very frightened of change)

I want a montage in the first 5 mins of the movie that shows the new crew acting out scenes from TOS. Syler and new Kirk and the Horta, Syler and New Kirk and new Bones leting Edith Keeler die, New Sulu with the sword in the hallway, Kirk and Uhurah in the greek cloths kissing, Checvov and the hippy girl, Spock in the Nazi outfit, Kirk and Spock with the Excalbians, Abraham Lincoln on the bridge calling Uhura a nigress and getting set the F%^K straite.

in other words… acknowledge the series… and the first three years of the five year mission ( aka the three seasons of TOS, and the three years since the last movie). Make a few changes when appropriate and even camp it up… ( like show Chris Pine open the shaft and have Tribbles fall on him)

IT would also mean that that the new movie wouldn’t be a remake of anything. Knock out a montage for 5-10 mins, show redo’s from TOS then move on with all new Star Trek adventures.

That would make a fun teaser trailer.

+1 rooster! Especially the tribbles. And +1 for no re-makes, Khan or not.

… and no jive-talking robots. Seriously.



pardon… dunno what came over me :smiley:

Bravo. Well said. I agree completely.

Funny article by I09 as to why the script isnt done yet!5747318

Nice article there. I’m still stuck on what to call this movie, the best I can come up with is to treat “Star Trek” as an array with an index that starts at 0, making this new movie:

Star Trek [1]2

Oh, bravo sir!

While all of these are good points, I think the main reason it hasn’t been finished is because they can’t figure out how to turn off the lens flare generators.

At least Simon Pegg seems to think so!/simonpegg/status/40849378180595712

Can’t believe that I’m posting in a Trek thread, but since it’s from my beloved showrunner Damon (Lindelof), here is what he dad to say about the scipt three days ago :smiley:

“Orci and I holed up in hotel room, boldly going. And yes, I know how that sounds, you perverts. #TREK2AWYEAH

I vote for Star Trek 12.
Can’t wait for 6-29-12.
And hope they don’t go the re-make route.
Trek doesn’t need to. I just want to see it expand and expand.

Interesting call for help to the fanbois. The deflector dish is a plot point? Or just a terminology question?