I agree Pike. We’re all friends/homeys here. Last night, I stumbled on the new toys and went loco.
So I can just say I consider all of you friends so no offense if I do not send friendship requests or respond to them.
Well, we’re also all geeks here, so the fascination with the new and shiny is to be expected.
From the bottom of my heart, I really feel that it’s important to focus on what really matters.
And what matters is that Frakkintalos now has more Friends than me.
This is an intolerable situation and it can not stand.
I must win.
Only cuz I was first on the playground.
Hey, who made the 100,000th post on the forum?
And with that, 14,000 spambots became ThotFullGuy’s friend.
It looks like the post count is 99,424. Or am I looking at the wrong stat?
So friends are a sport now? Guys what can I say? I am only known for asking to many questions. Can’t we just all be friends and not keep count?
I have little boxes with question marks in them. Should I see a picture there or is it a feature that still being worked out.
This was indeed a strange day----at around 5 pm I was caught in a lose-lose situation of either missing a work deadline or being late picking up my kids from dance class—and all because I wasted too much time today dealing with Friend Requests.:(…oh, and pontificating about Halloween candy too…
I think the policy is that you get to keep your Friends for 7 days. But after that you need to pay them each $30 a day to stay Friends with you.
I’m cool with that. That’s kinda what I do in real life anyway.:eek:
I’ve got a few of those little boxes with the question marks too…I’d say it’s a bit of a glitch.
And I concur: this Friends thing is distracting us from what’s important here at GWC…stupid, asinine ramblings, arm porn, double entendre, and gutter. Oh, and Battlestar Galactica. And cake.
um…as a newbie who feels very welcomed, warm-n-fuzzy, even, I think that’s why this board is so special. Really really special and wonderful. The toys are fun to play with, but I hope no one feels excluded…I want to be everyone’s friend!
blergh…ok, sap mode off, but I meant it. This forum makes me happy, and that’s because of the people here. I know I’ve only been here…what, a week? But that’s my 2 cents.
Aaaawwwwwwww. Thanks RD!
I quoted your post and saw:
I thot that number was post count. I guess not. Carry on.
OMG, that’s it.I’m taking you off my Friend list !!
It’s probably the index of the post in the posts table. Such things usually start at 0, so you’re looking for post with index 99999. Here’s 99998 and 100000. Looks sequential to me
No no no. You’ve got it all wrong. Solai told me a while back what that number is.
He said that every Friday when I quote someone, I should look at that number and send him a check for that amount. I’ve doing so faithfully for months now. Running out of money pretty quick though…Would you mind lending me $10,000 or so…Friend? :eek:
Thanx WashIsMyHero. Gryper wins the honors!
You know what they say, one born every minute.
I thot I befriended you!?!?!