Sorry for the Downtime

His application is pending review. :wink:

Why don’t you come over here and befriend me for a while?

Woah, I hit a milestone for the forum…how the frak did I manage that!?

down, Junior :wink:

As in “lie down,” Junior? Is that an order?

Ok - stupid question. On the main page of the forum, in the “currently online” section, what are the little + signs next to people’s names? For instance, “Keara+” or “GalaxyRanger+”. Just curious!

I have an idea but it involves plateau phases and intense physical pleasure.

You have indicated they are “friends”

One track mind…thy name is GR.

GR - does your mind EVER leave the gutter? Or does it have it’s own address there? :slight_smile:

Yes and the postman rings twice!

I must have wandered into the wrong thread…

wait, it’s just GR.


After comparing my Friends list to the online user list, I’m guessing those are people you’ve accepted as friends.

[edit] (oh frak, that’s what Solai said) [/edit]

…and about all this friend stuff.
I don’t mind being buds with people asking for my hand in friendship. But please don’t be offended if you don’t see me doing the Casper thing back atcha. There are so many people I already think of as friends here that the idea of re-befriending’em seems redundant, and unless this feature becomes truly needed as a spam filter, I’m gonna hold off on what I imagine will be a tedious process.
But really, I love you guys.

Heck, I just like playing with the new features! Otherwise, ditto for me!

So… we can make “friends” with people. I wanna know, when are we adding the option to make “archenemy” with people? That’s really what I want… I wanna start arching people!

Paging GR…this is a priority one call…IYKWIM

That was post #69, just so you know.

See you at the Circle K dude.

Well I can’t frak the GF and the people on the forum at the same time!