I am running three different machines at work. my laptop that i setup a week or so ago is has work and is processing. the two i setup today have not received any work and both are showing the 'no work available to process".
One of the two is an xp machine running the current windows version of Bionic. The other is running bionic from the linux live cd available from seti’s download page.

If I get it sorted I will let you know.

OK. It seems that your disk preferences really matter. I droped the “available to seti” to a lilttle bit less then was available on the physical disk and recieved a project within 5 minutes having not getting one for over a day.

The Defaults in the preferences seem to be based on disk size rather than available space. if you force it to usable space it seems to work better.

hope it helps.

thanks!! it seems to have corrected itself :slight_smile:

Just curious. In computing preferences, what do y’all have Processor usage set to? Here’s mine:

Hurh? Where is that?

You can find the settings for cpu/gpu/memory/pageswap/disk space etc in the Boink>Advanced>Preferences as well as Account>Preferences>Computing Preferences when you log into your Seti@Home Account.

Thank you LordCorbin. My Hero! swoons

I’ve been waiting to do that.

On my main system I have it set to use 80% of the processors (This way it only uses 3 most of the time) and 70% of the time. This leaves me plenty to do all the basics and I have the GPU’s set to start after 45 min so I can still watch shows. I also don’t want to go too high and have it overheat. :wink:

The laptop is set to 100% of the processors and 70% of the time and one old computer just crunching all the time, except now.:rolleyes:

I think if they don’t send out more work that means they found the signal. My prediction is the next meetup will be upgraded from international to intergalactic. Plus if they register we will have to change the name to Intergalactic Watercooler. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s when they don’t have data parsed to send out. When this happens, check here to see what’s going on:

For the record, in less than two weeks we have gone from 35,121 to 1,433.

Huzzah! Other teams are slowing down while we are ramping up! Join now to help the cause! This is a great way of getting the name of Galactic Watercooler out there.

Holy craaap! Go Team Team Team Team Team!!

Ok, according to this the well has run dry temporarily. Should we select an additional project to dedicate our massive resources? I am torn about this. My gut tells me that this is a temporary situation and we shouldn’t make any changes.

I am thinking for now we hold true to SETI. If this becomes more of an issue we can revisit.

I have not read the posts so I am sorry if this has been answered. Does it work well with Macs? How hard is it to set up? Basically how will my computer life change with this program running. I am glad to help since my poor computer is not being used during the daytime when I am at work and gets lonely. :slight_smile: I also think the program is supper cool. I am a computer user but not use to installing anything complicated.

This occurs fairly frequently when they have a server crash. And the lack of packets usually lasts less than 24 hours. Nothing to worry about. I just let bionic run and eventually work units will become available.

Hey Leah, this FAQ from the Bionic Wiki should answer your questions:

You can set preferences so that it runs between selected hours…like when you’re at work. :slight_smile:

And here’s the main link to the Bionic Wiki:

All I have to say is cooooool. I will read and will be back with questions. Thanks. :cool:

I have it running on my Mac with zero issues. I left the default settings in place and almost never notice a lag. Join up!

BTW, I have figured out they have a couple of ways of determining rank. There is rank based on number of members, recent average credit and total credit. Here is a permanent link so we are all looking at the same info.

In terms of total credit we have a way to go, but in terms of growth and average credit we are kicking arse. Here is a nifty graphic.

We’re certainly growing at a pretty fast rate. :slight_smile: Also did you notice the high number of guests on GWC yesterday and Friday? Yesterday morning there were 53 on here when I logged on. Traffic from that News post about podcast #190 maybe?

Boinc allows you to stop work on different projects. If Seti is out it would be nice to have others to fall back on. We can always shut them down to concentrate on Seti. Plus if one of the goals is to bring more eyes to GWC then taking part in more projects is a good thing. :slight_smile:

Does anyone know anything about the other projects? There are a ton of them. Being slightly compulsive I added Einstein so as to not miss potential cycles. I will admit I simply chose it based on the name (good marketing). I’ll certainly throw my hat into another project but do agree that our main focus should be on SETI.