Cool. I was able to resurrect my old SETI account. woo hoo!

One question… I joined the GWC team, but am not showing on the team list. is there a lag that we know of?

Anyway cool beans… Team is 20 strong and growing.:slight_smile:

There is, it took me somewhere under a day to show.

your there now.

Hrm. I’m getting huge variations in my work units (do they even use that term any more?) Six hours-ish for the first, three-ish for the next. I wonder if something has changed in how they parcel them out?

What’s our ranking now Solai?

I started the original Team Symantec, at one point we ranked 20th for medium sized companies (under the original system), but I think that was all lost at some point during the transition to the new software or something.

Bummer… we had lots of workunits done. The motto I gave the team: “Because aliens need software too”.

is the Seti webpage down?

Not at the moment, but there does seem to be glitches.

We’re currently ranked 39,659. Not too shabby.

Just got back into my account and fired up the new version of Bionic. :slight_smile: Joined the GWC team too. Hope my past stats boost us a bit.

As an FYI it looks like past stats don’t carry over into a newly joined team. Once you join a team all points you accrue go towards the team. Makes sense to me, otherwise you would have people actively trying to poach other members from other teams. This way the focus remains constant: on the pursuit of ET (and not people with 8 processors in their CPUs). :smiley:

Well, me and my 1 processor are on the hunt for ET.

Pity, but I understand their reasoning.

hey GWC, we are up to 25 active members. woo hooo!:slight_smile:

I see Mr. Cage has joined our ranks on the Seti team… cool.

Has anyone else noticed in the “messages” in the Bionic client, that it often says “project has no jobs available” Or do I have a setting wrong or something.

I havent seen that.

I have seen that. Patience grasshopper. Just let 'er run, it will catch up.

My question was mostly to verify that it is common or at least not Uncommon to see that message. you know making sure there wasn’t some ‘tweak’ i was missing in the bionic client. No Drama’s thanks

on another topic, i downloaded the live CD from the Bionic download site. it is a linux Ubuntu live CD that has the Bionic client as the only app. I am going to run it on an old 386 and see if it will actually run on anything that old. If it does, then team GWC will gain an army of dedicated machines doing nothing but listening for ET… Will update when i have more info.

mine currently reads “no work available to process”

does that seem right to you? :stuck_out_tongue:

No. I’ve got two in the queue.