I had cleaned mine off before leaving for the holidays and cleverly took the picture before I really started using it again.
We used to have a billboard that was very similar. 3D cows painting “EAT MOR CHICKEN” onto a ‘blank’ sign.
I always wanted to get a steakhouse and do a reverse campaign.
We have quite a few of those too; in fact there is one visible from the same place as that water tower (currently still with a Christmas theme). I went with the tower because it was more unusual.
Chick-fil-a originated in Atlanta (I work just a few miles from their very first store) so we have a lot of coverage here.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Just to followup, here’s the Google streetview of the location. You can see the billboard on the far left and the water tower (with a different ad) on the far right.
Awwwww - I wish my cat could still do that. She’s too fat.
Mmmmm, I am sooooo 'ungry!!
Lunch is Subway cold cut combo on wheat bread. Are you even hungrier?
Cute playing peek a boo.
I’m really not pleased with my picture for January 9 - I had a bit of trouble with the focus, and this is the best it came out. It’s fine for smaller viewing, but if you get a bigger one, everything is out of focus. Not cool.
Here it is: my lunch! I made Potato Leek soup with Garbanzo Beans.
10 January 2009
Fire! Woodstove is burning, on an unbelievably cold day.
Yup, cute…except when she and her brother are eating cables and 150$ computer chairs. This morning, I caught her in my bathroom, trying to drink the water out of the Goldfish bowl I have in there. She decided since she couldn’t catch the fish, she would make it easier by emptying the bowl. Sometimes she is frighteningly smart.
Lucky, that’s a great photo! I always have problems when I try to play with light sources within a photograph, so yeah.
Running behind, as always. Here’s mine for the 9th.
Completing the list, our black lab/dachshund (labradachsund?) Missy in her favorite place, under the bed, looks out dubiously but can’t resist her attraction to the camera.
Wow all these pics are awesome! i just got a good SLR camera for XMas and started learning or trying how to take good pics! So I might have to join this flickr and post some pics. But once a day could be hard but I am going once a week. then move up to once a day!
so any body have any good tips for a new guy getting into photgraphy!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Our youngest pooch playing with kitty
I am not a very good photographer, so my advice isn’t worth much, but, just have fun with it! Don’t worry about getting the perfect picture. Just take shots of what you want, and take plenty of them. Experiment, and Over time, hopefully, you will refine your technique, but there isn’t any point to it if you aren’t enjoying doing it. If you don’t already have one, a memory card is a must.
Do not tell any one but sometimes I take more than one picture on one day but say I took them over time. Once I get started taking pictures I can not stop. On the other hand starting is often the problem. I am taking pictures more like every other day. I need to post some.
I try to take pictures every day, but I’m realizing in doing so that I am having some challenges. Close focuses, for example. Indoor lighting messes up my flash. Holding my hand steady for certain kinds of shots.
That said, having to take a picture every day is really helping me realize those weaknesses can be improved, so with any luck I’ll get better as the months go on. And maybe, one day, I’ll actually take pictures of people or animals instead of inanimate objects…
Very cute anipals.