Mass Effect News!

I’ve read it’s going to have a storyline and NPC companions and all that but I can’t consider it KOTOR 3 because it takes place 300 years after KOTOR. It may be a great game (I’m not a fan of MMO’s but I might give this one a shot) but I won’t be happy with KOTOR until it gets a proper ending. I want a conclusion to the plotline with Revan and the Exile that was left hanging at the end of KOTOR 2. I’m still upset that spent lord knows how many hours playing that game and got an ending that resolved nothing.

I’m in total agreement on wanting to see how Revan’s story ends. Revan is my second favorite character in SW after Mara Jade and it’s depressing that we still haven’t got to see how the story ends. At least we won’t have that problem with Commander Shepard’s story. I’m pleased that Bioware conceived ME as a trilogy from the start and I can’t wait to see more of Shepard’s story. I’m really intrigued to see how they are going to work this whole reading your saves thing because I want to see how my choices in ME impact ME 2, but as long as Liara is still around for a little romance I can handle it as long as Shepard isn’t really KIA.

OK, I missed something. When was Sheppard supposed to be KIA? At the end of ME1, he kills Saren, and is congratulated by the council before walking off screen. When was he supposed to get killed?

Shepard being KIA was the last bit of text before the title screen at the end of the ME2 teaser trailer that was released a while ago. No one knows for sure what it really means although OXM said that the part of the game the KIA part refers to will be part of the playable demo at E3 next week.


So they are hinting that something happens between ME1 and ME2 or in ME2 where Sheppard might die.

It does remind me of TV show teasers where they say someone will die to throw people off, but unless it’s Joss or RDM, you know it’s going to be a guest star.

Agreed. I have never played a MMO b/c I dont trust myself:p
its really b/c i didnt want to pay the monthly fee. I hate to see a great single player experience that is KOTOR ruined by an online component

From what I’ve gathered from interviews with Casey Hudson the KIA bit will be part of the storyline of ME 2 somehow. My personal opinion is it will be a hoax of some sort because of the involvement of Cerberus and the Illusive Man in the plot of ME 2. I doubt Bioware would kill off Shepard as Shep is the main character of the trilogy and the one we’ve got the most invested in, unless Shep dies at the very end of the trilogy.

TV shows are bad about making you think someone will die and not have it be a main character, but when it comes to books GRRM is the king of killing off main characters. The guy has killed so many characters in his A Song of Ice and Fire series that I’m starting to wonder who will be alive at the end.

New Mass Effect 2 trailer!

“Shepherd? But… you’re dead!”

Can… not… wait!

looking freaking AWESOME :smiley:

my reaction
:eek::):smiley: :cool:

If they keep doing this to me my head’s gonna explode!!

anyone willing to attempt cryogenically freezing me then thawing me out when it releases let me know!

The new trailer is awesome. Although not quite as shocking as the last two were but I love that Shepard being dead is part of the plot. The trailer does make it seem that it’s a cover story to allow Shepard to move about a bit more freely after saving the galaxy at the Battle of the Citadel. I can’t wait to see more of the E3 coverage of ME 2, I’ve got the DVR set to record the coverage on the days I’ll be at work during E3 so I don’t miss anything.

This game is going to be even more amazing than ME. The OXM article did have one little tidbit about a new gameplay feature in ME 2 that I found very intriguing, there will be conversations between Shepard and the squad during firefights. This game needs to hurry up and come out so I can play it. I’m taking a nice long vacation for the release of ME 2 so I can sit at home and play it with no interruptions.

I really cant wait to play this again. Soon enough i will be playing Mass Effect again. i really want to hit level 60 before the new one comes out

I just saw the EA E3 Press Conference trailer. It gets even better. It appears that the Geth might NOT be the big bad of this one (but they are there still) The Normandy is still very present as is Joker!!! Oh and they showed what looked to be a mininuke gun. Like you see a gun go off and then in the distance you see a small mushroom cloud!!! Dont have a Trailer link yet. It just aired a couple minutes ago!!! AWESOME!!

The E3 ME 2 trailer was awesome. I’m hoping that the G4 floor coverage later on this week will actually show the demo in action.

The Trailer is finally up over at Kotaku

Awesome! I was watching Joystiq for it, but Kotaku comes through.

G4 has a good preview write up which again doubles my already desperate need to play the game. I reallyt cant wait till it comes out. The article talks alot about the consequences and how it effect the entire series of games. Go Check it out

Did you see the demo earlier on G4? It looks awesome and I can’t wait to play with some of the new weapons. I did notice that the two squad members with Shepard in the demo were not familiar.