Mass Effect News!

I have yet to watch that yet. Its on my DVR but i will probably watch the videos at work tomorrow.

An article from the USA Today website:

Joystiq has a pretty cool hands-on here:

This part caught my eye especially:

“We paused to check our health and noticed we didn’t have to use medi-gel (our life bar was full). Was the demo in God mode? Well, yes, but … medi-gel has been eliminated! BioWare has ditched “health packs” for regenerating shields and health. Phew.”

Gamespot has a nice long video interview (just over 13 mins) in regards to ME 2 with demo footage. Video can be found here: Pretty interesting stuff and there is some info in it that will totally change the way you look at choices in ME 2.

I think perhaps one of the coolest things about ME 2 is

Huge (kinda) Spoiler of sorts but its mentioned in alot of the write ups
[spoiler] Is the fact that Shepard can die and be dead for the rest of the storyline including into ME 3. So in ME 3 there is the possibilities that you can play it with or without Shepard. I love Bioware for that. Its gonna make the decisions you make have a HUGE impact. [/spoiler]

I’m kinda stoked about that too. Although I don’t think I’d have the guts to go through with it. I’m looking forward to seeing my decisions play out throughout the series, especially when I chose Liara and Anderson.

Thats why i played thru twice!!!. As a dude i did Ashley. Then as a chick i did Liara. Oh and as a chick i also did the courtesan cause thats how i roll…Both ways i could not let Ashely die…she was way to cool for that.

I always choose Liara now that I’ve seen all the options no matter if my Shep is male or female (I have a soft spot for adorably awkward characters) but I always choose Ashley when the time comes on Virmire, she’s great for a laugh as is Wrex.

Mass Effect DLC i about to be announced!!!

From Joystiq

While speaking to BioWare’s leaders slash doctors, Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka, Joystiq managed to confirm that the second batch of DLC for Mass Effect (that’s the first game!) would be announced and detailed soon. According to Muzyka, he was even playing it at the BioWare office slash fortress before departing for E3 2009.

Previously, it was suggested that the next Mass Effect DLC would include some sort of fight club or arena setup. So, lots of shooting in preparation for some real shooting, then.

I’m only about 1/2 through the game. I picked it up becuse of all the talk ont he cast about it and am loving it. I play on PC how many of you play on pc vs xbox ?

I play on the PC. I’ve played about 5 times already and I’m still running into stuff that I haven’t seen before. You have to try a lot of different combinations of team mates for different missions, and different backgrounds will pop up different events. A very replayable game.

I’d love to play it on PC, but my current one just won’t cut it. How I wish I could use a mouse and keyboard with the 360.

I play on a PC - too cheap to buy an Xbox. I’ve played through several times and I love it!

I play on PC as well. I picked it up at Best Buy on a whim, after hearing about it on the cast (and noticing the $19.99 price). It’s an awesome game but I had a lot of problems running it until I upgraded the video drivers on my system.

I’m curious about something, though. Does anyone else get the felling that there are portions of the game that Bioware didn’t finish?

Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age and KOTOR all coming out in the next year or so. Gonna be a good couple of years for Bioware.

You mean my frakkin lap dance? Curse you Bioware!!! :mad:

Finishing should be the top priority when it comes to lap dances. IYKWIM :wink:

I know they have released 1 section of downloadable content. I keep thinking there will be more but I have yet to see any. I wonder if they had original plans to release a lot more downloadable content and that just didn’t materialize?

There is one more DLC for Mass Effect coming sometime this year before ME 2 comes out. The guys at Bioware were actually playing it before they left for E3. From what I’ve heard about it the new DLC is supposed to bridge the story into ME 2.

Thought I’d bump this topic with an awesome video:

It’s footage from the E3 demo turned into a developer diary. It sums up all the new stuff in the game pretty well. It’s also somewhat spoiler-y (nothing major in the way of plot), so watch at your own discretion if you want to go into the game completely blind.

Just as an fyi, in a bit of cross-promotion, the collector’s edition of Bioware’s upcoming fantasy RPG Dragon Age: Origins will have some sort of exclusive bonus content for Mass Effect 2.