Hotel Information

Raemani helps coordinate everyone’s travel schedule- she can help you see who will be at the airport around the same time so you can share a ride.

Public transportation is not very good in Texas, lol! You would be better off sharing a ride/gas money with someone else who has a car or has rented a car. Shuttles can be just as expensive as a cab, so I would not recommend those either. It would be cheaper to just rent a car for a few days. But send your info to Raemani first, she is great at organizing all that.

Sorry to hear (on 'cast #252) that Nicole our illustrious contact person has moved on. Wish her the best though, she’s been awesome!

So say we all!

Guess who haz two thumbs and is coming to the meet-up…

This Guy! …uhm…imagine me pointing at myself with my thumbies.

I believe I’m going to drive down from beautiful St Louis, MO. It’s only a 10 hour drive and I am going to rent a car (I was going to rent a car anyway when I got there). Plus I get Costco Membership discounts on car rental because i’m sweet like that.

I plan on leaving Thursday and getting there Friday afternoonish maybe.

Still need to make hotel reservations.

Additional: W00000T.

Courtesy of

Taking the plunge! Bought my airline ticket on Monday night! Thought about driving, because I just love my Subaru, but Chicago to Dallas is just too long a drive for me.

Planned to call the hotel on Tuesday, but listened to the end of the cast & realized I’d better wait to find out who I should talk to now Nicole is gone.

Arriving Thursday 3PM & and departing Monday 2PM. I’ll be renting a car & would be happy to give a couple people a ride to/from the hotel.

Yay for more meetup n00bs!

Have one of these!

So jealous of you guys doing all this and going to a meetup - sounds like you’ll have TONS of fun. - I’ll just have to hear the live podcast.

That thumbs-up dude is just way too happy for this time of the morning. He’s rather disturbing in my currently uncaffeinated state. :wink:

lol :slight_smile: All i’ll say is that the gods for Google Image Search

So just how many peeps are going to be there this year? Do we have a rough estimate yet?

Just wanted to check in and say how awesome it is that so many of you are making early plans! We’re actively working on planning the event details and expect to have a lot more information online in the next few weeks, as well as official RSVP information so we can get a bead on attendance.

But let me say this as well: Whether it’s 10 people or 100 we’re going to have a great time. I’m looking forward to this even more than the holidays! :slight_smile:

Cool Beans, I always say! (I actually do say that…but only sometimes)

Only bummer is that it’s over 2 months away! :mad:

Yeah! I think it will really be fun! I am looking forward to not sleeping for 3 days and partying it up with everyone! :cool:

Agreed, but are you just happy that you don’t have to travel crazy distances to do it?


Meetup’s for fun. Plane ride’s for sleep. There endeth the lesson. :smiley:

I could say “Meetup’s for fun. Car Drive’s for sleep.” But, that would be good for no one :stuck_out_tongue:

Bieber-riffic. (Don’t hit me)

Now THAT’S some awesome right there!