Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers for currently broadcast episodes)

Totally - though the flip works better for some characters than for others…

Dying of Light
Pretty cool Episode. Of course Ando is not dead. I really liked Claire’s Subplots. She is really being a hero .

I’d argue against that. I’d argue that her reasoning/motivation behind doing what she is doing does NOT make her a hero.

furthermore, I guess i’m just tired of continuously seeing Nathan being used as a tool by everyone. I thought we were done with that?!?! And now this craaaap with Arthur? OI!! Makes me mad like “rawrr”

given Claire’s ability, I don’t think she is quiet useless as she thinks. I think there are a lot of situations where she can be extremely useful. Such as she can be the hostage in a hostage situation and defuse the standoff by letting herself get killed, thus the suspect upon losing the hostage are forced to give up.

But if she only wants to go fight bad guys from level 5, then yeah, she is useless.

ok, they NEED to explain this or I will go crazy…

These people are stuck in level 5, they have AMAZING abilities. Like creating a mother fraking blck hole, yet when they are in their cell, they can’t get out. They can use their abilities, but they can’t get out. Why?

I can sort of get when they put Sylar or Peter on some sort of drug and they can move but stay in bed, though they need to explain that one too. But how can these powerful villains not get out?

Also, if there is something that is preventing their abilities to help them get out, why does everyone else seens to buzz in and out without trouble? How can Daff just break into Level 5 and let people loose?

I mean at the beginning of the season, it was Sylar, and Sylar is a mother fraking, but it took Venessa Mars’ exploding electricity to get the cells to fail. And this girl that runs really fast just walks in and out of there?

Level 5 isn’t very imposing right now is what i am saying…

So looks like they killed Adam off on heroes…
Anyone else pissed?

Yeah I was kind of upset - but I thought what they did was pretty genius.

I think maybe someone should change the thread title. It’s very spolilery for people who haven’t seen it and it’s only been a couple of days

And yes it sucks. I thought he was a pretty cool charachter.

Thread name changed to protect the innocent.

my bad guys.
Won’t happen again.
I hope.

As a fellow SFLG pointed out to me recently, the pictures of Spock and Kirk together will certainly please those folks whose writings spawned the slash subgenre of fanfic.

Yeah, I hope Evil Mohinder kills not-Nikki (can’t remember her name) because she is lame- and this Chief of Staff version of her has some potential that’s getting wasted. I also see currently-unused potential in Daphne, though now that her scenes are expanding a lot beyond the bickering with Hiro, which I found hella annoying, I am liking her more. I like her spunky vibe, and she is cute.

Evil Mohinder continues to be one of my favorite characters, though Sylar and HRG are right up there with em. And Ando.

I liked Monday’s ep quite a bit, for sure. Strongest of this season. The Puppeteer is such a scary figure! That is the stuff of nightmares. I don’t like Claire’s subplots, though, because she’s so morally immature- not seeing the bigger picture or being willing to see that she’s ok when her own actions fall into grey areas (lying to moms, for example) but freaks out when other people’s actions are ambiguous (her dad working with Sylar).

So, here’s a question that I have- with a preamble:
Some powers are neither inherently good nor bad, like precognition, flight, or the ability to time travel;
Some powers are inherently bad and are only used for dark purposes, like the ability to control someone else’s body, to absorb powers by cracking skulls, powers-stealing, making people forget their experiences;
So the question that I have is whether you think the philosophy of the show is that the powers can always shape the person, for good and bad, but that the person can only sometimes shape the powers (that bad powers can’t be used for good or ignored, and ultimately turn good people bad)?

I’ve been feeling that vibe lately, and I disagree with it, but it’s definitely interesting to explore.

I just wanna add. Anyone else thinks the Puppeteer looks like Andrew Zimmerman of Bizarre Foods?

Maybe the Puppeteer should have forced Claire to eat Bizarre foods instead.

great question. I think since the beginning the series tends to point out that the power, or at least the experiences that comes with having power, does shape the person. Like Peter had an ordinary life, but because of the precognition power he absorbed from his mom, he decided to be more than that.

But whether or not the power change their personality, I think that started with Syler. His power came with a change in his personality from the get go. So I don’t know, I would say no, besides Sylar…

re: Chapter Six ‘Dying of the Light’

another question here? is peter really that stupid. i mean a whole bunch villians are standing next to his father who’s looking more evil than Mr. evil after a check up with Dr. evil. wearing an evil suit and evil loafers in evil town. and he decides to hug him???

I mean being evil in this family is not something new. cough Angela cough

I liked the rest of the episode a lot just the end made me roll my eyes

Yes. Though it should be interesting to have a no-power Peter. Maybe he’ll stop being an idiot.

or just a powerless idiot…

Seriously??! GR didn’t swoop in and drop the IYKWIM-bomb on that one??? What has this forum come to?

give a guy a break, I was busy in the pet peeve thread.

Of course we know that Peter from the future has powers… :wink:

It’s very close.