Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers for currently broadcast episodes)

… up to and including… Revelations. The Butterfly Effect.

I just watched the two premiere episodes for the new season, and I must say, I’m happily surprised that it is good again. I’m intrigued by some of the things going on, and there are some total “I don’t know where they’re going with this but it should be cool” moments.

I’ll withhold the rest of my thoughts until I know other people have seen the eps too :wink:

I probably need to rewatch it again for the full effect. I felt a bit disconnected for the first twenty minutes, it had been so long. I’d like to know what everyone thinks Sylar took from Claire. I’m not sure if I missed it, or it wasn’t stated. I think it relates to Mohinder’s discovery of the fight/flight connection.

I can’t say I was blow away by the episode, but I’m so happy they’re back. I think the dual Peter storyline is very good. Very timely given our Terminator arc and all the discussion on time loops.

I was kind of disappointed to be honest. Got bored about halfway through & started looking for other things to do while watching.

The only moment I was like WTF was the Mohinder/Maya sex scene… ?!

But for the most part, I’m curious about everything. I don’t read comics, so despite most of the comments I’ve seen ripping on it, I don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s not Battlestar, but it’s not a bad thing to watch.

Though I do wonder - what’s up with (or better said, where are) Micah and Monica? Monica was my favorite “new” hero from s2.

DawnAZ, I’m not sure what he took (and if him taking it just means that Claire regenerates whatever it is she lost), but it almost looked a little like a chip. Or I’m just getting my hopes up.

Other questions… how did Peter put Peter in the bad guys body? What is Elle going to do now? What exactly is up with Mohinder? (I mean, yay, he finally got some action. But it was weeeeeeeeeird).

I liked it
it was just fun a lot of fun

we got spider Mohinder,
Sylar killing indiscriminately
peter going ape poopy.
cool flame thrower man
the teenie bopper flash

Wasn’t there a comic book character that could turn your fear into there strength… (drawing blank on the name; anyone give me hand.? :o) but i think he ends up being one of the most powerful characters.

it doesn’t happen to often but i was literally yelling at my TV when you hit Sylar and he goes down you keep hitting him…

and then momma Patreli well she’s a great foil and i just love the future peter and her almost comes to blows every time they are within yelling distance.

but my favorite moment was the cop car footage when the two agents tried to stop Sylar with Tazer.

and we have President Sheridan…


I am mostly curious about what Sylar meant when he said Claire is different from the others.

I have to admit, even though I saw it coming, I jumped when Nathan gasped his way back from the dead.

I’m also intrigued as to why Claire is different from the others. And what did Sylar take from her and how is it related to her no longer feeling pain?

And how many damned Nikki’s are there gonna be?!?

And what’s with badass [sorry barb!] Peter?

some thoughts on the premiere episodes:

  • I’m not loving future Peter. He might be a bit sexy but he’s totally screwng everything up. I mean, because of him poor claire was brain raped by Syler.

  • Mohinder is being portrayed COMPLETELY out of character. I mean all of a sudden he is totally wreckless? he just injected himself with that stuff without even testing it first and now he’s gonna be some kind of bug dude or whatever. Mohinder used to be my favorite character and now he kind of creeps me out.

  • So Syler is a Petrelli? Are they all related or something? Cause it’s looking like that’s the case more and more.

I gotta say I dig the Future Peter. He is a cool character een though i think the actor is starting to be a little bit lacking…

But I love what they did with Hiro. He has always been my favorite character. And i think its cool now that he sees Ando in the future betray him but still keeps him around. He think he won’t be able to trust him but he knows that he is still his best friend. I also think we might have a new love interest in the Speedy girl (who i think is adorable and was totally awesome in Friday Night Lights as a geek girl) for Hiro.

A prediction i have. The future event that Hiro sees and the paining that the African guy made of the earth splitting are caused by the sound manupiation guy that is currently housing Peter. I think when peter gets taken out the original dude will be pissed and make a huge bang sound that will rip the earth in half…

[EDIT] Also wanted to give a huge laugh to watching Parkman talk to the turtle. I for a minute thought that his powers evolved and thought he could hear animals and that would be awesome. Love his line “Thank you Mr. Turtle” then it was cool to see that it was a joke…

Also its awesome to see such a great actors from other great shows popping up on heros

We got Jamie Hector who played Marlo Stanfield on The Wire, Francis Capra who was in Veronica Mars (along with the awesome Kristen Bell) and Friday Night Lights. I already mentioned the other girl from Friday Night Lights. And Andre Royo aka Bubbles (one of the best TV characters) from the Wire.

I had a thot while watching that they were moving away from natural selection to manipulation as the cause of the mutations. The whole Mohinder and Sylar plot encouraged it.

Personally, I hope it’s not true but if it is I hope the payoff is worth it.

I really liked how they finally told us what Syler really did to get peoples powers. Mohinder was always reckless and impulsive to me. The symbol showed up in the painting brought back memories of the first season trying to figure out what it meant. I think it was a good mix of answering last seasons questions and making you wonder about new ones. The end of the second season we get a 3rd Nikki’s personality that had little explanation because of the short season. OH, and a former Babylon 5 star. Well the show looks good for a start.

Alrighty, S03E03… oh wow…

Sylar and HRG… that is a pretty cool combo. I am glad the real Peter is back. I kindda wished that Future Peter and real Peter fought a little. Real Peter already has a bunch of abilities, and Future Peter can kick his butt for knowing a few more tricks, that would have been awesome.

Hiro and Ando are in level 5? Poor Ando… he doesn’t belong there.

By the way, if level 5 doesn’t cause the person to lose power, what’s keeping people in their cells?

I wish they played out the sylar bit a little longer. He was really likeable for a few minutes.
They definatelty kicked up the pacing. It’s only a couple notches away from season1 greatness.

I still totally think that Hiro and the Speedster are gonna be love interests by the end of the season. I loved when she called him Pikachu. I feel really bad also for Ando getting locked up in Level 5.

I hope we will get to see a peter v peter battle. Real peter should have absorbed Future peters new abilities so they should be evenly matched if real peter can figure out how to use them. Then they will get to battle Sylar at some point as well.

I wish we could have seen Mohender this episode instead of Parkman. I like Parkman but i get bored of the future painting stories…

Agreed… but I wonder if maybe we’ll see the flipping back and forth, what with Angela’s presence and confidence that he’ll stop being, um, evil. But wait, then Noah will kill him. :wink: It’s going to be fun!

The Pikachu thing was adorable, yes. I definitely thing we saw Ando’s path to the Dark Side (does he not know who Darth Vader is, or something?) starting with his violent head bash to the Haitian.

I actually found the Parkman bit to be more interesting than watching Mohinder and Maya more (blech), though I don’t understand how the eye thing happened with him - because didn’t it have to do do with Isaac and now the african man’s power, and matt isn’t the painter dude?

Micah! Is adorable! The bit with Tracey was great, I think. And I’m fascinated to see where they’re going with that Dr Zimmerman… reveal.

So yeah, in agreement that the pace has picked up in some ways, and I think that it’s really interesting to see where they’re going with things. I think perhaps they have too many balls being juggled at once (especially given the falling ratings… though how were last nights?), but I’m finding it immensely entertaining. Especially since there’s still no new BSG…

I FRAKING LOVE this season so far. Especially Hiro’s, Future Peter’s, and Noah/Syler storylines

I don’t think that was a future painting thing. I think that was like a spirit walk type thing.

Plus everybody in Heroes has another person with the same powers.

My take on Matt’s eyes going white is that he was using some kind of drug to get into that state, just like Isaac used heroin. Perhaps the African dude also uses something (maybe whatever it was that he gave Matt). It seems like achieving that “state” requires some kind of “help.” On a personal note, I miss the comic-book style of Isaac’s paintings.

The gal in the painting with Matt–do you think she’s Daphne? I pegged Daphne (the Speedster) for Hiro’s love interest, so I doubt that it is her, but you have to admit she resembles her with the short, blond hair.

I’m very intrigued with the Traci Strauss/Nikki storyline. The Hubs and I agreed that the writers came up with an intriguing way to continue to use Ali Larter and still end the Nikki storyline. The scenes with Micah were heartbreaking. I wonder if we’ll see him again. I agree with Casilda (I think…too lazy to go back and check) that Monica was a great addition last year. I’m betting we won’t see her again, though.

Mohinder is creeping me out this year. He seems a bit out of character. He’s all mad-scientist with a big ego now. Oh, and the sex scene with Maya made me cringe. I felt like I was watching something that was just wrong.

The Noah / Sylar stuff is interesting…I think Angela means for Sylar to feast on those “criminal” dudes. She doesn’t care about them. She’s scaring me too. Her weird almost-sexual attention to her son (wtf?) is gross. I guess my feeling about this whole storyline is: good idea, baaaad execution. (Which is kind of how I feel about the whole show right now.)

Claire…I’m bored. I hope this is going somewhere a LOT more interesting.

Hiro…I just love him and Ando. Still, I’m now feeling this storyline either. I do like Daphne though. The actress is really pulling off her character and I think she, more than anything, is keeping me interested in that storyline. (The “comedy” stuff with Hiro/Ando is kind of cute.)

All that to say…yeah, I’m watching Heroes but I’m not feeling as desperately hooked as I did before. I think that long hiatus which followed the stunted not-so-great 2nd season hurt them. Just like with Terminator…I’ll keep watching.

Keara said what i was thinking. Parkman’s possible future girl does look a lot like Daphne (the Speedster).

[spoiler]Maybe future Ando does know Darth Vader, it’s Hiro who doesn’t know… maybe he’s jealous of Parkman and Ando is trying to be his Obiwan.[/spoiler]

That being said, the “Ando doesn’t know Darth Vader” thing made me think about how similar Heroes is to Jedis.

I mean just put the word “force” in front of every power. And it’s about how these people, some just wants to do evil, and some determined to do good and help the world, yet in the end turned out hurting the world anyway.

I knew i liked Heroes for more than just the cheerleader and star trek reference!

I just saw a movie from my past, Solarbabies. It had been probably close to about 20 years or so since i have seen it last. Guess who i saw in it.

yup that’s a very young Nathan Petrelli playing with an owl.