My take on Matt’s eyes going white is that he was using some kind of drug to get into that state, just like Isaac used heroin. Perhaps the African dude also uses something (maybe whatever it was that he gave Matt). It seems like achieving that “state” requires some kind of “help.” On a personal note, I miss the comic-book style of Isaac’s paintings.
The gal in the painting with Matt–do you think she’s Daphne? I pegged Daphne (the Speedster) for Hiro’s love interest, so I doubt that it is her, but you have to admit she resembles her with the short, blond hair.
I’m very intrigued with the Traci Strauss/Nikki storyline. The Hubs and I agreed that the writers came up with an intriguing way to continue to use Ali Larter and still end the Nikki storyline. The scenes with Micah were heartbreaking. I wonder if we’ll see him again. I agree with Casilda (I think…too lazy to go back and check) that Monica was a great addition last year. I’m betting we won’t see her again, though.
Mohinder is creeping me out this year. He seems a bit out of character. He’s all mad-scientist with a big ego now. Oh, and the sex scene with Maya made me cringe. I felt like I was watching something that was just wrong.
The Noah / Sylar stuff is interesting…I think Angela means for Sylar to feast on those “criminal” dudes. She doesn’t care about them. She’s scaring me too. Her weird almost-sexual attention to her son (wtf?) is gross. I guess my feeling about this whole storyline is: good idea, baaaad execution. (Which is kind of how I feel about the whole show right now.)
Claire…I’m bored. I hope this is going somewhere a LOT more interesting.
Hiro…I just love him and Ando. Still, I’m now feeling this storyline either. I do like Daphne though. The actress is really pulling off her character and I think she, more than anything, is keeping me interested in that storyline. (The “comedy” stuff with Hiro/Ando is kind of cute.)
All that to say…yeah, I’m watching Heroes but I’m not feeling as desperately hooked as I did before. I think that long hiatus which followed the stunted not-so-great 2nd season hurt them. Just like with Terminator…I’ll keep watching.