Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers for currently broadcast episodes)

Yep, the reveal was pretty obvious, especially since they told us in LAST WEEK’S TRAILER who was behind it all. Seems Heroes is taking a cue from BSG in more than just head characters.

Questions: Now that we know “Linderman” was just an artifact telepathically induced by Maury Parkman, how did Nathan get healed? Did they have a bit of extra Claire/Adam blood lying around that they pumped him with?

And how did Sylar NOT hear what HRG was saying to Vortex-man? He has SUPER HEARING, and he was only fifty feet away!! (The Heroes-wiki says that he may have lost some powers due to the effects of the Shanti virus, even though he was healed, but I don’t remember that being brought up in the episodes).

I’m sad about Ando - I almost decided to stop watching at that point but then they actually explained SOMETHING - so one more week.

Oh you know that Ando is not dead. Some how Hiro will save him.

Probably - but I can’t imagine that their friendship can survive the fact that Hiro was willing to stab him.

This weeks episode did nothing for me. I can only put hope into that they are going somewhere. Hiro killing Ando thing was werid and even weirder since it was not engaging. I really couldn’t care less at that point. How did they manage to take Mohinder down a path where people stopped caring about Mohinder? I don’t know. And where is Parkman? The single most human character of them all? Still no where to be seen stuck in a place where I don’t really care. Where Peter, the one person who’s determined to do good? stuck in level 5. next episode better at least start being engaging. i mean right now no one is doing the right thing, most of them aren’t even trying, and it simply stopped being fun to watch.

It still hasn’t hit me about Ando. It’s totally out of character for Hiro. I have a weird feeling that it’s actually Adam doing the Peter changeling thing. But then again it makes no sense for Adam to impersonate Hiro in order to join the bad squad.

Anyway, it was COLD-BLOODED!!

That was pretty cold, but I’m pretty sure he will end up not being dead somehow (death is just an inconvenience in this show, which I guess is true of comic books too) and he and Hiro will have the whole “frienship going down a dark path” thing going that will get resolved, somehow, by the end of the season. Meh.

Re. Mohinder: when did his character arc change so drastically? His move this season has come out of left field for that character, who never gave me, at least, any impression that he wanted powers for himself. I don’t get it. But hey, maybe Maya won’t get out of her trap and will, in fact, finally die, which makes Mohinder all right in my book. I hate that frakking character!

Again i loved the episode, i’m starting to wonder if i’m the only one who’s just loving heroes more than ever every week.

I will say this episode showed me why i never trusted HRG (Will never call him Noah will always be HRG to me) I mean he’s not evil, but he’s always so… pragmatic about sacrificing anything and everything to save his family. I mean when he was forcing the Black hole guy (Who was acted just about perfectly) to take out Sylar. and the Man killed himself I just about lost all love for HRG, he pretty much murdered the man for not murdering someone else.

As for Sylar’s smile after screwing with Claire’s head just classic.

I Like that Nathan just stood up and called his mother out for being a evil and he was done with listening to her.

Peter going all out trying to kill Angela so quickly makes me wonder if Sylar actually has more self control, than peter does. Peter seems to attack randomly while Sylar is more thoughtful in his psychotic murdering. (not sure if that’s a good or bad thing??)

another great episode,

and let us not forget

Wait!! You little Japanese Nazi

Actually Peter is not attacking at random. Sylar’s ability is to understand how things work and how things come together, which comes with a hunger for understanding more. Kind of like me, if i see something I don’t like, I use my firefox Super Drag and Go to look it up online. I couldn’t just let it go.

Sylar is only interesting in taking other’s power, and understanding how all powers work.

Peter however is focused on how to stop the future he saw from happenning. Therefore he has the deep desire and hunger for finding out how things got to that point, and hoping that will give him clues for how to prevent the future. That is why Peter attacked Nathan in the future and his mom in the present.

I don’t think it’s totally out of left field. He’s playing the “mad” scientist bit. Ran out of subjects to test or feels too moral to experiment on others, so he injects himself. Stupid move but obsession will do that. I don’t think it’s about powers. I think it’s about experimenting. I guess he figured he could reverse the process.

Heroes is like a buffet style soap opera. You get a huge selection of characters and storylines to choose from, pick what you like. Ignore what you don’t.

See the thing is Syler needs to kill to get the information he wants, Peter can just read there minds, which makes wonder why he’s trying to kill folks.

I came to the show late in season one (after being initially discouraged by a hateful review on another site that I won’t name). Liked it, didn’t love it.

Season two, I watched it all as it happened. Really didn’t actively enjoy it so much. Same reasons everybody else cites.

Season three, I am actively loving. Totally enjoying it.

I’ve hated Sylar. Totally disliked. Didn’t like the character OR actor. Thought he was a bad choice for Spock. Didn’t get the guy at all. NOW I get it. Man, the way he can turn it on, turn it off, suddenly make you like him, then make you hate him again.

Season three is totally dope.

I know! I was like, Noah, dude, give Gabriel a chance… not everything in life is black and white (though it does tend to be so in Heroes… but hey, maybe they’re changign).

When he was keeping her from being eaten up by the vortex? I thought he was being genuine, but maybe I’m naive.

Sylar used to scare the bejeezus out of me, and now I’m sympathizing with him (does that remind us of other scary killing machines we know? ;)) - but I’m not buying it with Peter, I don’t know if I’m just sick of the character or what, but I feel like he and Mohinder have had the most dramatic reversals on the character OF their characters, and I don’t buy it.

Right, he’s totally the mad scientist - I guess my problem with his storyline is that I feel like it wasn’t developed enough before boom he’s crazy sticking people to the wall.

I also didn’t watch Heroes new until now… mostly due to other stuff going on rather than any antipathy to the show. Before Sylar was big bad guy who just has evil motivations - but now I think he’s totally been humanized and again, maybe I’m naive, but I like to think people can change. But realistically, working towards it, with relapses and mistakes, rather than Mohinder and Peter’s jumping on the ‘bad guy’ bandwagon without a hello or thank you or anything…

I think Sylar can get it without killing, but he just chooses not to. That’s my pet theory. Also, he could easily go get the mind-reading power to stop needing to kill. In that, at least, I think that HRG is right: Sylar is a killer and he can’t stop.

I loved S1 and liked S2 ok enough (watched it on DVD because I had class on Monday nights so I didn’t see it when it aired, and the low expectations helped, I think). S3 is going kind of rough for me. Claire might need to die. They should be focusing more on Hiro and Ando, Peter, and Sylar and HRG. I am not liking the Nikki and Nathan junk or the Speedster. I am liking evil Mohinder, though.

Yeah, I guess. It has that in common with BSG except that even at its worst (love quadrangle, anyone) most members of BSG’s cast of characters are at least mildly interesting and act according to the rules of their universe and true to their established nature, even as that nature changes over time.

Okay, I’m being very unfair comparing Heroes to BSG. I am enjoying this season far more than last, in spite of (or maybe because of) its flaws. And last week’s episode, while it had some holes, felt like things were moving now.

I still think it would be interesting to have a season focused on an entirely new group of people, with maybe one or two recurring characters from the main cast (especially since I feel season one of Heroes closed everyone’s character arc very nicely and satisfactorily). It’d be a tough way to do a TV show, but I would love to see someone attempt to do a concept show where the CONCEPT is the star and writers and directors can play in the universe with some basic rules (I kind of want to see something like that done with the live action Star Wars, like what Dark Horse tried to do with the ongoing comic about ten years ago, where arcs would be limited to a few issues and the style could change from arc to arc, depending on the writer). I suppose the rules of the marketplace, however, would pretty much keep that idea from taking much root.

I agree with you on Zachary “Sylar” Quinto. This season has given him a lot more to do and his character is far more interesting for it. Is he really trying to be good, or is he playing everyone for dupes? Can we really know? Will we? Hmmm…

By the way, have you seen the pictures of him as Spock? He’s the most convincing of the lot (otherwise, to quote another site, it looks like “a very trekkie episode of ‘Felicity’”).

actually, i don’t think there is yet a power that can grab everything inside another’s head.

Parkman can only hear surface thought in season 1. The next step to that power is to project image into other’s head, like that of Parkman’s father. Nothing about grabbing the entire knowledge of a person.

Sylar doesn’t want to kill. Like he told Claire, if the process of him examining how things work doesn’t require the death of his subjects, he won’t kill at all. After he got the info from Claire, Sylar felt no desire to kill her. It just so happens she is the only one who won’t die because her skull was cut opened.

Peter on the other hand can absorb other’s powers but he has to know what the power is and how the power works. Otherwise he would just have the power dormant inside. Peter had Sylar’s power since season one, he just never understood how it works. And the future Sylar taught him. Sylar helped Peter to learn to use it the same way he learned to use his own power, by fixing the watch.

I don’t know about that. Peter randomly brought up powers in the early episodes before he knew how his power worked–or even what it was. Even when he had amnesia he could shoot lightning. Not consistently, but he could do it. Once he got his memory back, his powers were more dependable, but still.

I’m just curious as to why he never absorbed Sylar’s “Intuitive Aptitude” power before. Was it masked by all the other powers Sylar had? Did Sylar have some sort of ability to withhold his power from Peter’s grasp? Or did Sylar need to be actively using the power for it to register on Peter’s radar?

yes, i think you are right, that makes more sense. Peter only absorb the power when it is in use.

The first power Peter picked up was Angela’s precog power, where his mom’s power is a bit different from Isaac or the African dude’s power. Angela’s precog seen pretty short ranged compares to the others, and focuses things relating to herself rather than the world blowing up.

From the precog, Peter then forseen himself fly. But only really picked up the ability when Nathan flew to save him.

Once Peter understood his own absorbing power better, that’s when the power he absorbed started randomly coming out.

I think powers differ too, there are powers that just works all the time, like Claire’s healing. There are others that requires certain focus, like Hiro’s time/space manipulation and Parkman’s hearing surface thought.

It IS kinda weak that they keep bringing Nikki back. She’s totally hot though. And Speedster, man o man o man is she smokin’. She’s less super-modelly than Nikki, but she’s way cuter. And she’s a formidable character, which makes it OK to point out how hot she is, cuz she’s cool in more than one way.

Evil Mohinder is a jerk, but I guess that’s the point. I love how this season keeps flipping around the characters and how I feel about them. How does Sylar become someone to root for? How does Claire Bear become an evil woman? Nifty writing.