Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers for currently broadcast episodes)

Thank goodness his hair is shorter now.

And it’s a good thing GR hasn’t read medieval Spanish literature, or he would totally IYKWIM the playing with an owl bit :eek:

I’ve finally watched the first three episodes of Heroes, in which I was mighty glad I had the fast forward button. Boring, stupid, and the show has really taken itself SO seriously - and for a show with as many holes as Heroes does, they should not. Am really, really disappointed. So much, that I think I’m ready to write off the show as a one season wonder.

What happened to all the characters? I don’t know how many times I yelled at the screen because someone did something incredibly stupid just for the sake of advancing the story plot without a legitimate good reason. They’ve all become such cliches, and real boring ones at that. Sigh. Can anyone else be more annoying than Claire, whining about her lack of ability? Sure. There’s Peter, the dude with ALL the powers but is as dumb as a bag of rocks. Or Mohinder, who lost all his brain cells so he could shoot up in the middle of the night at a pier. Or Hiro, who used to be a cute character, but is now just kind of annoying, who takes all but a fraction of a second to lose what he was supposed to guard. Sigh. It’s been 2 seasons, have NONE of the characters learn anything? Anyway, I think for this type of a show (with all the supernatural elements), it is important to keep the characters grounded and act like a rational being, and the lack of character growth and all time stupidity with no reason that resides in pretty much every single person on the show now has pushed the show over the edge to just filler crap. And sadly, not even entertaining filler crap.

And then there’s the whole spiel that plagued season 2 - adding a bunch of new characters either with stupid powers or ones we’ve already been introduced, or making the narrator and the sidekick, both perfectly fine normal characters w/o powers to suddenly gain superpowers in hopes that the audience will ignore the lack of character development in the original cast. Sigh.

And of course the storyline. Since it’s just the beginning of the season, it’s hard to say whether any of the storylines presented now will become of interest later on, but the whole time travel thing? I’m not really confident that the writers are able to make it work for them. But anyway, nothing about the stories presented now intrigues me enough to ignore the bad stuff and watch it.

I think the only character I still give a rat’s ass about is Noah. They could kill everyone else in that show for all I care. (which they totally could, since they’ll just resurrect them when they feel like it, for again, no real good reason.)

Anyway. Just ranting because I still find the premise of the show intriguing and awesome, but am disgusted that they couldn’t do anything good with it. I think I’ll just stick with the real comics with real gritty storylines and awesome characters that develop and grow. Heroes is now nothing but a pale imitation to that. So, farewell, Heroes!

coco, i agree with the weirdness that is Mohinder this season, but we really hasn’t seen that much of where that is going.

I will say this tho, if they give Noah a power, I will stop a-watching.

The only moment I was like WTF was the Mohinder/Maya sex scene… ?!

You mean you didn’t go “WTF” when Maya opened her mouth and spoke in PERFECT ENGLISH?

I just caught the first three episodes over the weekend. In general, I think they’re an improvement over season 2. Yes, Claire is still obnoxious, Peter, who used to be so nice in season 1, is just a tool (still), Maya’s still with us (please, Mohinder, for the love of all that’s holy, smash her head in with a microscope or SOMETHING! And when did she learn to control her “ability” like that? Didn’t she need her brother to calm her down? And now he’s dead! You’d think that would mean SOMETHING…that must be one of the plot holes coco refers to), Hiro still hasn’t learned anything (but you know, I still kind of like him), Nathan’s STILL a tool and a religious one now. UGH! Though…interesting. Maybe he’s a Cylon. And speaking of cylons, is that what Niki (I’m sorry, Tracey) is now? And…and…HEAD LINDERMAN! Whoa!

Okay, so I’m complaining a lot, though, frankly, I’m kind of surprised since I really did enjoy these episodes and am looking forward to seeing where the series goes. I do wonder, though, if the series is, indeed, a one season wonder (there’s that word again). The first season really had a closed structure (as we’d say in music) and in general the problems with season 2 really seem to me to have come from the fact that season one had a very clear ending which season 2 didn’t so much pick up from as just start afresh from, which is fine but a bit problematic with a serial. What about, maybe, doing seasons which focus on different characters? I know that would screw up the casting department’s job each year, but it might be interesting to have one or two focusing elements (The Company? Mohinder’s quest?) around which stories of other emerging heroes could be told. Meh, maybe if this was a cable show…

I actually found the Parkman bit to be more interesting than watching Mohinder and Maya more (blech), though I don’t understand how the eye thing happened with him - because didn’t it have to do do with Isaac and now the african man’s power, and matt isn’t the painter dude?

Agreed. I found Parkman more interesting than Mohinder so far, although having a character that paints the future seems redundant. I mean, I liked the paintings. They gave season one a very distinct character, but now it just feels like they’re looking for excuses to include Tim Sale’s art in the show somehow, and the story suffers (or at least it did in season 2. It’s too early to tell this time) for it, I think.

Heroes takes a couple episodes to get into it’s groove.S 3 Eps 1&2 were a lot of exposition. Episode 3 felt like it was starting to get better. There was a good amount of story to fill up the hour. Heroes is a very plot heavy show. I would not care for most of the characters , if they were not in such extreme situations. Much like Battlestar Galatica the plot comes first and characters are a secondary thing. Unfortunately Heroes does not have goals like BSG does. So it’s quality depends on the story for the season.

Excuse me but…WUT

Note: Sylar

Another note: That was sweet CGI on the watch


Note 4: Oh Shit

Note 5: Future episodes are why I hate Heroes sometimes…(Teehee Ando)…cause they’re always so much cooler than regular episodes and the powers rock shit(seriously I gotta stop using craaaaaap it makes all my phrases sound dumb in my head) and then they spend the entire plot of the show trying to PREVENT the cool shit. It’s like if you took Battlestar and set it a year before the Cylon holocaust and flashed forward to the RTF occasionally

Note 6: Frak that giant sunglasses trend continues? Gods damnit

Note 7: Bwah? How? Oh right

Note 8: Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaak This season is like straight out of Wildstorm’s big cross title arc where the govt funds super heroes right and then they blow up the entire gods damned world. Same crap.

Note 9: Man…Peter messed up

Note 10: Ooooooooooooh…shit V_V

Note 11: Ando is still one of my favorite characters.

Note 12: Oh shit. Not this frakker again


Note 14: I know some of you other people watched this. Comment or I might as well start a live blog

well, for those who didn’t enjoy Heroes since Season 1… I think episode 4 should have turned things around for you.

granted, the painting the future and saving the future thing is the same as season 1, and a lot of the abilities are being reused, but right this they are still telling a very awesome story, especially with the characters so intertwined.

I am loving the show again.

I’m entertained by Heroes this season (which I couldn’t really say for last season), but they seem to recycle the same tricks over and over. Each season so far has had the same structure–someone jumps forward in time, sees a terrible disaster, and then returns to the present to stop it. Meanwhile, we’re left to guess from week-to-week how everyone’s multiple storylines will eventually wind together and lead up to the disaster. And I agree with coco about the characters’ motivations–they seem to make decisions purely to advance the inevitable plot along, and not in the destiny/fatalistic way they do in Terminator or Star Wars. More like in the writers-have-to-get-me-from-point-A-to-point-B kind of way.

Still, the stories are moving ahead with much more momentum this year, so at least I’m entertained. But I can’t wait for January, when we get LOST and BSG back.

The Gabriel in the future thing with the son (Noah? hmmmmm) was just too adorable and then heartbreaking… and Peter is the new Sylar. It’s crazy!!

But fun. Much fun.

I am become death

Just a crazy good episode for me when Sylar went nuclear… after they took out the kid. i was like well most of you are dead in the blast and the ones who’s aren’t are going to get one hell a haircut soon enough. but i guess now that Peter’s back that hasn’t happened yet or might not happen… (my head hurts now)

and if you ask me the turtle, is more important than any of us know.

Kill it… kill it now Parkman… kill it while you still can… take it out before all is lost…:eek:

Yeah, someone explain to me why Peter needs to kill people. He can just absorb their powers, right? Why did he feel the need to start cutting Future-Nathan’s head open? He can already fly!

I think the whole thing that Gabriel was explaining is that it isn’t just the ability to get other people’s power but rather the drive to know how powers work… which could be very interesting if they tie that up with Mohinder’s weirdness (preferably by proving Mohinder useless as he collapses into a gooey blob).

So I think he (Peter) has just gone batsh*t crazy… and we can thank screwy FuturePeter for it. Though given his alliance with Adam in S2 (tee hee Adam!), I guess his descent to the dark side or whatever is in character.

My thought is Peter can not use a power he absorbed unless he know how the power works. He has Sylar’s capability to understand how things work just be being next to Sylar, but like how Sylar was in the beginning, Peter doesn’t know how it works, so it is like he doesn’t have the power.

That is why when Peter went to future Sylar, he tried to use Parkman’s power so that he can hear about how Sylar’s power work from inside Sylar’s head.

After he fixed the watch like Sylar instructed him, that is when he truly has Sylar’s power, and Sylar’s hunger.

As for why Peter almost cut Nathan’s brain out. Peter doesn’t need to cut skull to find out about Nathan’s power. I wonder too. I am guessing he tried to see how future Nathan came to be where he is. I bet if he had seen future nathan’s head, he’d find Linderman’s messing with it.

Hm. Under your advisement (and partially because it’s one of those car crash moments, that it’s so bad I can’t help keep looking at it), I just watched the episode.

I’m really sorry. I think Heroes has really become a show I can’t enjoy anymore. I can understand why episode 4 should have been wow amazing for me, but all I can do now is poke at all the things that doesn’t make sense and annoys the hell of me. So much, even what technically were the good parts of the episodes, I can no longer enjoy. Sigh.

Same rant regarding the characters - they’re just not very good anymore. They’re more like caricatures of what a real raw character is like, and adding in all the superpowers just makes me feel NOTHING (except eternal annoyance)for any of them. They’re not engaging, and when I don’t care about almost anyone left in the show, there really is no reason to watch anymore.

-Peter is the ultimate tool of all tools in the universe. He is so dumb one wonders why he gets to get all the powers. I mean, without any explanation from his future self, his present self was all like “OK, I have to get Sylar’s powers now. I’m not really sure why. Because future me said so. And I have no brain of my own obviously. Must be all the superpowers and my muscles eating away at my intellect. Mmmmmh, brain.”
-Mohinder is now reduced to a dumbass phantom of the laboratory? Yawn.
-Claire totally blows as a pretend badass. I actually fast forwarded pretty much any screen time with Claire in it. Badass, my ass.
-Parkman is one big yawner of a turtle. He’s like the “previously on Heroes” disposition guy. Except I just saw what happened in the episode. I don’t need a recap of it again with you and the rock paintings ten minutes after what happened.
-Sylar was amusing, but I feel like he and Noah Sr. (Hm. Given the child was blonde, and was called Noah, who’s the mother? Claire or Veronica Mars? Given Claire’s non recognition in the scene, I’m guessing Mars there. She did have a weird father-daughter relationship with Noah Sr. right?) should leave this show and have one all on their own.
-Nathan has drift right back into Season 1 status - I don’t give a crap boring ass character. I’m sorry, but armporn only goes so far.
-And don’t get me started on those blonde triplets. The whole Niki/Jessica/Tracy? character was never good to begin with, and I’m not sure revamping her as Tracy now is helping all that much. (though yes, Tracy is not half as annoying as her sisters, but that all extinguished when she hooked up with Nathan. BORING!)
-And yeah, an episode without the only character I find tolerant (Noah Sr.)? CANNOT WATCH.
-OK, Hiro is all right again. Still slightly grating, but I suppose compared to the rest of the cast, he is one of the few that I don’t wish death upon.

And then there’s the time travel. As witnessed in numerous tv shows that explore time travel, it is an insanely difficult thing to write about (and keep track of), while keeping it an interesting story. Needless to say, I think Heroes is doing a rather disastrous job of it, so much one wonders why the writers went there in the first place. They’ve left me a show with a zillion holes, and it still tries to take itself seriously as a mythology. I feel like they’re taunting us with it - “Heroes is such a great show! The mythology - It’s so deep and thoughtful blah blah blah. Stop looking at the parts that don’t make sense. You’re just too stupid to understand it. We know it doesn’t make sense at all, but it will. Well, not really. But it COULD, right?”

Sigh. Sorry to poop on everyone’s fun time with Heroes, and I promise this is the last of my rant. Heroes is off my radar. It’s too much of a waste of time. Better spent on watching Jayne in Buymore, and have some laughs, which basically never happens anymore in Heroes.

Don’t worry Coco, you’re not pooping on my Heros parade. This week’s episode, which I finally watched yesterday was amazing. I’m going to expose my slowness here, but am I on the right track when I say that Sylar never ate brains, we just assumed he did? I was confused in the season opener that he did something different to Claire, but he really didn’t. He needs to see and examine the brain, the clockwork of a human, to gain the victim’s power. Claire is the only one he’s attacked that had the ability to heal from an open skull wound.

Am feeling great about this season now after this episode.

Coco, I watch Smallville, and I think it is a crappy show from season 1 to season 3 and again from second half of season 5 to season 7. Yet I still watch it. That show has built me up for a lot of crap. I mena I used to fault Voyager, but after Smallville, Voyager is a master piece.

So as for Heroes, i am just looking for a good time. Most comic books don’t make any sense and they are still fun. Heroes is jut real life comics that dealt a lot with the exploration of self-identity. I know there are holes, especially after season 2. Even by the end of season 1 there are beginning to show large holes. I know they are there, but they don’t really bother me that much.

Right now the plot is engaging, and I want to know what is going to happen to Hiro and Ando and Adam. I also want to know what is going to happen to Sylar and Noah. I am on board with the Mohinder dissaster, but hey, at least that part of the story doesn’t take up that much time… yet.

So… new Heroes…

not what I expected. Mohinder eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Ando made me sad, and the reveal at the end was kind of predictable. But that doesn’t make it any less cool. I hope Angela wins :smiley:

I’m behind a week (just watched last week’s episode on DVR). Is it me, or is this season all over the place and turning into a corny mish-mash of other shows? (I mean, Head Linderman, an angel? Where have we heard THAT before?)

And yet…I can’t stop watching.

Of course, I haven’t gotten to the Mohinder reveal yet, but the imagery in this episode makes me think of poor Gregor Samsa and his night of uneasy dreams. Is that where poor Mohinder is headed?

They actually answered the head linderman question in the last episode. I’m giving mad props to Heroes for actually answering the questions they bring up…go them!!!