Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger

Slapping is involved? No, I’m not that kind of guy. I much more prefer being the oldest child in the family. I get to tease my sister (who’s just getting her license [driver’s license, that is, not the James Bond kind]) and play LEGO Star Wars with the little brother. Awesome!

I asked because my towel was stolen once in Paris.

Anyway, I’m all for the grossing out with eating massive quantities of food. I’m totally good at that. I once grossed out Veronica by putting entire pains au lait in my mouth on a bus in France.

You know, I wonder if Sean has an older sister? That might help to explain his love of women who wish to do him bodily harm… :smiley:

Once Connor ate an entire large pizza between the time it was delivered and when the whole family made it to the table. He was like, “Oh, I was supposed to share that with everyone?” Now that he’s a vegetarian I am no longer treated to such spectacles as him eating an entire fast food burger in two bites, but he’s now partial to spectacular amounts of Morningstar meatless buffalo wings.

Connor is an awesome name! And there can only be one!

I wish I’d be a Connor, but no, I’m just a Christian.

Update on the birthday goodies:

Indy and Co are now artfully decorating a shelf in my old room:

Mutt is taking on the killer ants:

Proudly displaying the Zahn trilogy, way to go Beeve!!

Oh wow, you got good eyes.

I like the tent ! Your handiwork ?

Very cool, Beeve! The Zahn trilogy is/are the only Star Wars novels I’ve read.
Question: How come I don’t see anything in German language on your bookshelf?

When I was a kid, I, and my sister and brother always put Legos on our Wish List to Santa.
It was always ‘I want “X” and “Y” and Legos.’
But back then we didn’t have any cool Lego sets like the Indy ones.:frowning:

It’s all a clever ruse to pick up girls…GR lives in New Jersey !!!

No, I’m certainly not good at building, creating or making actual stuff, the tent come with the LEGO set, it has a LEGO foundation and I just had to fold that piece of cloth or whatever it is to be put on the foundation.

That is a valid question, the answer is simply that there’s not really very much German scifi literature that is cool and/or worth reading. There’s some, but not much.

I think I said this before somewhere, but surprisingly, the same was true when I was a kid. Sure we’d all always been a LEGO family (and DUPLO when there was smaller kids around), and I had tons of LEGO stuff when I was a kid, even totally awesome scifi LEGO, like “Ice Planet” and “Space Police”, but that was just toys to me, something I’d play with and forget about at the age of 14.
But then the LEGO company went through a dark time and they had to re-orient their whole way of doing business after some flops, and suddenly - they must have employed an entire army of geeks - they started coming out with Star Wars LEGOs. Just a few sets at first, one of the very first was the X-Wing, I think, and that was when all of a sudden, LEGOs weren’t just toys anymore, they had adopted a far deeper meaning - Star Wars LEGO! That was a couple of years ago and my brother was just at the right age, so over the years he’s been given almost every Star Wars LEGO set there is and I got to play with him.
What I realized, though, is that LEGO is not only aiming at kids anymore, those new sets they’re making are clearly also meant for adults who want to collect and display those sets. They take incredible care to get every little detail right, the quality has always been superb, but now it’s just mind-boggling, the manual of that Indy set I assembled looked like something out of the Grail Diary. Awesome.
And they’re not merchandizing any mediocre stuff, any average franchise, they secure the rights to top-notch franchises like Star Wars, Indy, Batman, where they know there’s a lot of adult people out there who enjoy watching that stuff and they cater to their needs. You don’t really buy the 550$ Millennium Falcon for a kid to play with, that’s something for a collector. But, and that’s what makes LEGO just so perfect, you COULD play with it!

:eek: no offense to anyone from the Garden State, but if I lived in the US, I’d either be up there in Boston with my cousins (one of whom is doing admissions for BC, by the way) or I’d be somewhere in the Old South, probably Tennessee (I have a total weakness for girls with a Southern accent, it’s a long story) and the “Official GalaxyRanger Ranch”, riding a stick horse and getting off wearing my cowboy hat.


Although I think the Indy Legos are awesome, I am a little dissapointed at the state of your books. What happened to those straight and perfectly organized books from pictures past? Is some malevolent being coming through intermittently and pushing them askew?

Pike’s cat :eek:

Nope, not even going to touch that one…

If You Know What She Means!!

Happy B-day GR! I am a Lego collector also! It is a great hobby because as a child I collected them to play with and now as an adult its more of a model building thing. I currently have 40 ft. worth of shelving for my legos. Lots of fun!

Oh. Oh, yeah, now I know, I realized only after the fact …:o

Thank you! That’s awesome, your home must be like the LEGO museum?! What’s your favorite set/line?

What part? The part about the stick? Or the part about the possibility that the ONLY thing GR is wearing is a cowboy hat? :eek:


and that he’s “getting off” while wearing it