Happy Birthday !!
To one of GWC’s most prolific posters, the forum’s first “OG”, and the only man brave enough thus far to post a picture of himself wearing a cowboy hat. Be it waxing poetic on the meaning of life, or grinding in the straight to the gutter thread, (IYKWIM), Galaxy Ranger tells it like it is, or at least how he thinks it should be…They’re toasting you today my friend, from Talos IV to Tannhauser Gate…(oops).
Here’s wishing you a great 24th birthday, and many more. So say we all!
So say we all!
Dankeschön, thank you very much!
Maybe I’ll find another pic of the hat.
For now, lest we forget, today is also the totally awesome birthday of the excellent
LEAH CAIRNS (who, as you know, plays Racetrack!) and is my total sweetheart of BSG.
[COLOR=PaleGreen]Happy Birthday Racetrack - Ich liebe Dich!!! [/COLOR]
(I’d eat from HER birthday cake - IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!)
You share a birthday with Tarzan, a Mac, and the first Star Trek babe!
Not to mention the Beaver. IYKWIM!
Sorry GR. I’m having my staff make this big birthday cake for you, but they’re way behind schedule as you can see. And they’ve gotta fix the mistake they made in the year. I keep telling them “No no no. 2005 is when you STARTED making the cake. We’re gonna GIVE it to Galaxy Ranger in 2008.” And of course now FeDex is gettig all in my face with their negativity saying “Mr. Thot, we just can’t ship anything that big overnight!”
Anyway, Happy Birthday my friend. This place wouldn’t be the same without you. You continue to keep us laughing and thinking. And, most of all, I take great joy in mocking you and being mocked by you.
Thank you so much. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
This place wouldn’t be the same without you.
No, it wouldn’t, everybody would still have their sanity, especially the girls.
And, most of all, I take great joy in mocking you and being mocked by you.
(Or, in other words: GR and TFG at GWC!)
So, I’m gonna have this strawberry birthday cake and as I said, we’re going out for dinner later and I can only hope that at some point, Leah Cairns will be involved.
(In other words: 'Ranger and Racetrack at )
Happy Birthday, GR, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Well done! You’ve now referenced my other Favorite Trek episode (of all the Treks) of all time.
Well, it’s your birthday, so you have permission to have Racetrack in your mind--Your girlfriend doesn’t have to know.
Hey GR. Just wanted to wish you a quick Happy Birthday!!! I got huge issues on the work front this morning. I’ll catch up later. Enjoy the day!!
Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger! You share a birthday with my best friend’s husband.
I plan on spontaneously toasting “To The Galaxy Ranger” with a German bier at the bar across from work at lunch.
…and that’s going some for a Guinness man.
And here’s a virtual toast for you:
(Just ignore the “for Dad” thing at the end.)
Happy Birthday, GR!
I wonder what kind of German beer they have - if it’s imported, they usually add chemicals or so. I would completely okay with your drinking a Sam Adams in my honor, that was definitely the best beer I drank over there and that says a lot.
I had trouble finding the perfect image to go with my congrats. I needed something deep, something significant that would reflect you in a perfect way on your special day.
I came up with this:
Happy birthday GR. Looking forward to another of nuance, insight and double-entendres from you. As Audra so perfectly put it, "he has the ability of going from the most intellectual observation to base humor in a sentence.
Kudos sir!
Hmmm. Dying to throw an IYKWIM in this for some reason …
And to you: Dankeschön! Awesome, I like the … what is it? A dancing Zombie bear? The Dancing Zombie Bear? It has to be a zombie because it doesn’t blink - that’s how you can tell a zombie from a quisling. I learned that from World War Z.
I know the feeling, it has become
[Chuck] a need, a physical NEED [/Chuck]
for so many of us by now.
APOLLO: OK, crew, we all know the drill. This is where Galaxy Ranger will enter the room and we’ll all yell “Surprise!” Racetrack, you’ll jump out of the cake here! Got it?
Happy Birthday, GR!!! Here’s a little gift for you:
Nice hat!
Happy birthday, Galaxy Ranger! Hope it’s a good one. Many, many, many happy returns!
Happy Birthday Galaxy Ranger