Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger

sorry I pm’d you instead of posting here, GR, I don’t think this thread was up, yet! So here’s my gift!

love, me! b!

Hey, old 50s American sitcoms, that’s a bit like Ancient Greek to me. Not mentioning the fact that my sister is actually learning Ancient Greek in high school. Marcus Brody would be proud of her…

Anyway, concerning beavers, the “Angry Beavers” would more be like what my generation connects with beavers…

Now that I think about it, beavers look a lot like these guys here:

(Spy vs. Spy - a cartoon series done by a Cuban refugee during the Cold War, featured in Mad Magazine, awesome stuff)

No you can’t have them, but you can come over and play. Plus, my little brother being eight years old, a LEGO freak and Star Wars fan, we own almost every LEGO Star Wars set that’s ever come out, from the Death Star to the Landspeeder. It all must have cost a small fortune, but my parents always considered a better investment than video games or their likes.

Oh, I forgot to greet you in my language

Maligayang Bati, Galaxy Ranger!

(Happy Birthday, Galaxy Ranger!)
I am honored. Dankeschön!

“Biber” - pronounce BEE-ber

Hm, I remember a toothpaste commercial with a beaver…

You should be ashamed for even reaching for such low-hanging fruit.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Thanks to you too, NB (and here we go again with the confusing abbreviations)

Yeah, I can’t wait for my Racetrack, I just hope it’s not a LEGO racetrack, although that too would be totally sweet.

Thank you Starbutt!

Thank you, B … I think … ?? What is that? Another ant eater? I’m totally throw a hiss fit should any of my LEGO killer ants disappear…

“Gee Beeve, if you lose those ants in the house Dad’ll clobber you !”

…just practicing my Wally. IYKWIM.

Finally decided to go with this guy

He eats killer ants for breakfast.

I’ll be in my bunk—HIDING UNDER IT!! That thing is scary looking.:eek:

Thot, what is this sudden fixation with all things Beaver?

wait for it…

See what I mean? :slight_smile:

Hm, I remember a toothpaste commercial with a beaver…

In Australia, there was (is?) a commercial with a beaver that’s for… another thread. :rolleyes:

Best. Lego creation. Ever. :smiley:

Too much bunktime.


According the post #4 of this thread, Beaver from “Leave it to Beaver” shares the same birthday with Galaxy Ranger. And since GR’s got a “mischievous kid brother” way about him, I’m now referring to him as the “The Beeve”. The fact that he doesn’t know anything about the show makes it extra fun for me.:slight_smile:

Did you notice the drool? Or did I just make it worse for you?

:mad::mad::mad:I got my wits together, crawled out from under my bunk, read this post…and now I’m back under the bunk again…:eek:


I need to get that Emily evil laugh as a cell phone ringtone.

I used to work with a woman from Moldova named Olga. One of the guys always called her Ogre, which she found humorous, since as far as she knew, he was just mispronouncing her name. Until, of course, someone explained what an ogre actually was (she knew the concept, just not the word in English).

Why do I mention this mildly entertaining story? No reason. :smiley:

My little bro and I were such Angry Beavers fans- it had a great theme song, too.

I’d let you be my big sister!

Your birthday last week makes you just about one week older than me, but, hey, who doesn’t like a time paradox? Consider yourself little-bro’d.

Great, now what does that entail? I never had a big sister, so what are the rules? Do I get to steal your towels when you’re showering?

Being a big sister myself, it means that Starbuccaneer gets to slap you around whenever she feels like and to blame you for anything that gets broken in the house. Of course, when you’re all grown up, it also means that big sister is “allowed” to donate cash to the little brother when he needs it. Jeez, I should have beat my brother more when we were younger. :wink:

Well. generally little brothers don’t do anything that might lead to seeing their big sisters nekkid, but you do get to put on a helmet and knee pads the first time I drive you anywhere right after I get my license, and you can gross me out by eating massive quantities of food before anyone else in the house gets the chance to take a bit. Also, if you’re up for it, you can join my IRL brother and I as I take him on some college tours next week.